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नमामि धन्वन्तरि मादी देव सुरासुरैर्वन्दित पाद पद्यम् ।
लोके जरारुग्भयमृत्युनाशं दातारमीशं विविधोषधीनाम् ॥
बीजं श्रुतीनां सुधनं मुनीनां जीवं जडानां महदादिकानाम्।
आग्नेयमखं भवपातकानां किञ्चिन्महः श्यामलमाश्रयामि।
Means :- We Pray God Dhanvantri who is Worshiped by all Gods and Demons, Creator of Medicines for destroying old Age, fear of Diseases & Death. We pray for Successfully completion of Aim of Website, with getting praise for the work. Also, the Doctors/Vaids, person knowing about Medicines, Students and Normal people can know and use it for their benifit.
Aim & Contents:- To simplify Ayurveda & Understandable for everyone and B.A.M.S. students. Site under “Beauty and Ayurveda” contains articles for simple ways to treat beauty problems like Increasing Hair, Glow etc. And site is divided into many more categories to make content easy to find. Hope you will enjoy surfing site with required content and motive you visited us.