Dravya Guna Plants

Marigold/ Genda phool : Benefits, Medicinal uses, Dose

Marigold or Tagetes also commonly known as Genda phool is used in every religious function for offering to god. Does it also have any medicinal value? I was wondering the same! As i remember :- अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति, नास्ति मूल मनौषधम्।अयोग्य: पुरुषो नास्ति, योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभ:।। There isn’t any letter that’s not a prayer, there isn’t any […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

Honey and Warm water good or bad ? Ayurvedic Facts

Hi, today we are back with another article on things we see or hear about Ayurveda in Daily life. So, you might have heard about Honey and it’s effects on immunity and weight loss, when mixed with warm water. Many advertisements are shown in social media regarding it. Now the question is, Has Ayurveda said […]

Dravya Guna Plants

Lemon grass : Benefits, Uses according to Ayurveda

When we hear or see Lemon grass, it’s fruity smell or Health benefits such as weight loss, immunity booster and taste of tea often comes in our mind. But are these whole things right? What is the Ayurveda’s point on it! In this post i will make you aware regarding all this. Hope you will […]