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Common Instruments used in Gynaecology

1. Sim’s speculum

Sim’s double bladed posterior vaginal speculum

The blades art of unequal breadth to facilitate introduction into the vagina depending upon the space available
(narrow blade in nulliparous and the wider blade in parous women.

Uses :
1. To inspect the cervix and vagina to detect an injury following delivery.
2. To clean the vagina following delivery.
3. To inspect the cervix and vagina to exclude any local cause of bleeding in APH.
4. During dilatation and evacuation operation

2. Cusco’s speculum

Cusco’s Bivalve self Retaining vaginal

1. To visualise the cervix and Vaginal fernics for any local cause( polyp, ectopy) of Antepartum haemorrhage.

2. To inspect the cervix and prepare the cervical smear for cytology screening.

3. To detect leakage of liquor from the cervical os in a case of suspected PROM(Prelabour repture of membrane).

3. Episiotomy scissors

It is bent on edge. The blade with blunt tip goes inside the vagina

  1. For cutting the perineal skin and the tissue
  2. to facilitate the passage for the foetal head injury during labour.

4. Vulsellum

This instrument have hooks at the tip of
each blade.

Uses :-

1. This instrument is used to grasp the cervix (usually anterior tip of the cervix is grasped) in procedures
like insertion of IUCD, Cervix Biopsy D & C.

2 It is used in destructive operations specially in evisceration to have a good grip of the foetal parts for giving fraction.

5. Artery forceps


1. It can be used as a hemostat used for
clamping bleeding vessel during haemorrhage. 2. It is also used for grasping tissue at the to operation (opening and closing peritoneum)
3. It is also used to hold stay sutures.

6. Kocher’s forceps

Kocher’s Haemostatic forceps.

This instrument is designed to aggressively grap medium to heavy tissue or occlude heavy, dense vessels.

1. This instrument is used for holding fallopian tube in hysterectomy.

2. It is also used for salpingectomy in ectopic or oophorectomy in ovarian mass.

3. It is also used for clamping umbilical cords of newborn at the time of delivery or for artificial low rupture of membranes(ARM).

7. Uterine sound

It is a olive pointed, graduated, malleable
metallic uterine sound.

1. To know the position the uterus and the
length of the uterine cavity prior to dilatation of the Cervix in D+E operation.

2. To sound the uterine cavity to detect any foreign body (IUCD).

3. It also acts as a first dilator of the cervical canal.

8. Cervical dilators

Two cervical Dilator: 1. Hegar’s Dilator / Das’s dilator 2. Hawkin- ambler dilator

Uses:- 1. It is long rod like instrument with gentle curve and tapering tip and used in dilation of the cervix.

2. Also used in precedures like:
◾D and C (Dilatation and Curettage)
◾D and E Dilatation and Evacuation). ◾Father gills operation ◾Hysterectomy
◾Cervical stenosis ◾Primary Dysmenorrhea.

9. Ovum forceps

This instrument has no catch. This is to avoid perforation of wall.

1. This instrument is used for
▪️ Removing the products of conception in

▪️Incomplete abortion and in MTP operations.

2) The tip of this instrument is rounded cup like to avoid perforation and hold large tissues.

10. Flushing curette

This instrument consist of a long hollow shaft with small spoon shaped scoop.

Uses: –
1. This instrument is used in the operation D+E.

2. It was also used to flush the uterine cavity with luke warm antiseptic solution passing through the communicating channels.
3. It is also used to collect samples from uterus and rectum for diagnosis of cancer.

11. Uterine curette

It may be sharp at both ends or sharp at one end and blunt at the other.

1. In D+C operation, the curette is done by blunt curette as the Uterine wall is very soft. 2. It is used in the operation of D+C for incomplete abortion. 3. It is also used in D+C operation one week following evacuation of hydatidiform mole.

12. Ventouse cup

It is a instrument designed to assist delivery by creating a vacuum between it and the foetal scalp.

Uses:- 1. It is used in the operation of vacuum extraction of the head.
2. The cup is to be fitted to the scalp of the
forecoming head by producing ‘chignon with the help of vaccum.

13. Fetoscope

A device used to obtain information about a fetus within the uterus.

Uses- This instrument is used to listen the heart sound of the foetus.

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