
Disposal of Dead Body (शव विनाश) : Methods, Importance

Death :- Termination of biological functions or condition of cessation of life is termed as Death.

Signs of death :-

  • Pallor mortis
  • Algor mortis
  • Livor mortis
  • Rigor mortis
  • Decomposition

Assessment of death :-

  • Ancient method :- Vinegar, pepper/ poking red hot rod to dead person.
  • Modern method :- Diagnosis;
    • Clinical death/ physiological death – physiological parameters
    • Legal death/ brain death
      • Pupil dilation
      • Absence of movement
      • No corneal reflex
      • Nail bed pressure – no response
      • Supra orbital pressure – no response

Causes of Death:-

  • Unfortunate enough to overcome hazards
    • intentional
    • non-intentional
      • communicable diseases
      • infectious diseases
      • accidents
      • Natural death
  • Eventually die sentence

Importance of Disposal of Dead body :-

  • Prevent improper decomposition of body.
  • Prevents transmission of infection from corpse.
  • Reduces the psychological/ mental impact over live.
  • One among the 16 sanskars (Anteshti sanskar), is a scared event.

Methods of Disposal of Dead body /corpses :-

Disposal of Dead body
One of the methods of Disposal of Dead body
  • Burning or cremation :- Followed by Hindus.
    • Elimination of pathogen so best in infectious diseases, causes air pollution, complete destroy of personal identity.
  • Burial :- Followed by Christians with coffins and Muslim without coffins
    • (3-5 × 4 × 6-7) feet pit is dug, oxidation takes place in a year and decomposition in long time.
  • Electric cremation :- Used in big cities.
    • Current required of 3000 °F, complete reduction in ½ hour, complete destroy of identity.

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