Stree evam Prastuti Tantra

Soft and Bony Pelvis, Pelvic joints and ligaments

Soft and bony Pelvis, hip bone, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones and Pelvic ligaments

Bony Pelvis consist of hip bones, sacrum and coccyx.

Soft Pelvis consist of uterus, cervix, vagina, Pelvic floor and perineum.

Pelvis (श्रोणी)

मानवीय अस्थि कंकाल के मध्य में स्थित द्रोणी या बड़े प्याले के आकार की ऐसी रचना जो धड़ को नीचे के भाग से जोड़ती है। स्त्री के समस्त महत्वपूर्ण उत्पादक अंग इसी में स्थित है।

श्रोणी की आकृति व वक्र दोनों प्रसव काल में बालक को बाहर ठेलने में सहायक है।

  • श्रोणी के अग्र भाग में स्थित भग अस्थि (pubis bones)
  • पश्च में त्रिकास्थि (sacrum)
  • दोनो पार्श्व में आसनास्थि (ischium)

ऊपर इसका विस्तार उदरगुहा के ऊपरी भाग तक होता है। (Till upper portion of abdominal cavity)

नीचे मलाशय (Rectum), मूत्राशय (bladder) और गर्भाशय (Uterus) तक होता है।

श्रोणी में स्थित महत्वपूर्ण अंग –

  1. Lower portion of large intestine which includes pelvic colon and rectum
  2. Loops of small intestine
  3. Urinary bladder
  4. Uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes

Bony Pelvis

consist of Hip bones, sacrum and coccyx

Hip bone (नितम्ब अस्थि / अनाम अस्थियां)

Consist of 3 parts-

  1. श्रोणी फलक / जघन कपाल (Ilium)
  2. आसनास्थि (Ischium)
  3. भगास्थि (Pubis)

शैश्वावस्था में ये अस्थियां पृथक्- पृथक् होती हैं। परंतु वृद्धि के साथ इनका एकाकार हो जाता है।

Ilium- widest and largest of 3 parts. It is located superiorly, forms the superior part of acetabulum.

It has a inner surface with concave shape which produce the iliac fossa.

It’s external surface is convex, which is known as gluteal surface and provides attachment to gluteal muscles.

Superior margin of wing is thickened forming iliac crest which extends from Anterior superior iliac spine to Posterior superior iliac spine.

◾Ischium- It forms postero inferior part of the hip bone composed of bödy, Inferior ramus and superior ramus.

Near the Junction of superior ramus and body is a posteromedial projection of bone, the ischial spine.

The posterior inferior aspect of ischial forms the ischial tuberosity.

◾Pubis- It is the most anterior portion of the hip bone. It consist of body, Inferior ramus and superior ramus.
Together the inf. & sup. rami enclose part of the obturator foramen, through which obturator nerve, artery and vein pass through to reach the lower limb.

Pubic body extends laterally as the pubic tubercle.

Pubis of 2 hip bones fuse with each other to form symphysis pubis.

Sacrum ( त्रिकास्थि)

It is triangular shaped bony structure that is located at the base of lumbar vertebrae,
It forms the posterior pelvic wall and strengthens and stabilizes the pelvis.
It is formed by fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae, consists of base, apex and 4 surfaces.
Internally the central canal of the vertebral column continues along the core of the sacrum and ends at the 4th sacral foramina as the sacral hiatus.
Dorsal surface consist of Median sacral crest, intermediate sacral crest and
lateral sacral crest – formed by transverse processes of Sacral bones.

Coccyx ( अनु त्रिकास्थि)

Commonly referred to as tail bone & final segment of vertebral column.
It is formed by fusion of 5 coccygeal vertebrae show some movement during pregnancy.

Pelvic Joints-

3 main joints-

  1. Sacro-iliac joint (त्रिक फलक सन्धि)
  2. Pubic symphysis (जघन संधानक)
  3. Sacro coccygeal joint (त्रिक अनुत्रिक सन्धि)

Pelvic ligaments

Total 18 ligaments are involved.

2 main ligaments are-

  1. Sacro spinous ligament- from sacrum and coccyx via greater sciatic notch till Ischial spine.
  2. Sacrotuberous ligament- from sacrum and coccyx to Ischial tuberosity.

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