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Avabahuka – The Ultimate Frozen Shoulder Guide

Welcome back to the second post in our Ultimate Guide series! If you missed our previous post, you can catch up here. Today, we’re diving into Avabahuka—a condition that’s less frequently discussed but is essential to understand. We’ll cover all the details mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts. Let us know in the comments what you’d like to see next in the Ultimate Guide series. If you enjoy our posts, please support us by sharing!


अवबाहुक (अव + बाहुकः)– From Bohtlingk-and-Roth-Grosses-Petersburger-Worterbuch dictionary

अव. (As a preposition) means “Away” कृत्वा मुखान्यवशुचः श्वसनेन शुष्यत् (Bhāg.1.29.29) according to apte Sanskrita dictionary

Avabahuka is a compound word formed from two Sanskrit terms: “Ava” and “Bahuka.” According to the Sanskrit-English dictionary, “Ava” means “away” or “down.” In some classical Ayurvedic texts, such as the Astanga Sangraha and Sharangdhar Samhita, the term “Apa” is used as an alternative to “Ava,” conveying meanings like “Viyoga” (separation) or “Vikratou” (dysfunction), which can be interpreted as deterioration or dysfunction.

बाहुकः – means “Arm” – Shabda Kalpadruma

The term “Bahuka” refers to the “Bahu,” meaning the arm. Therefore, Avabahuka can be understood as a condition involving the dysfunction or deterioration of the arm.


  • अवबाहुकः – अवबद्धो बाहुर्येन प्रा˚ स˚ – Spasm in the arm. according to apte Sanskrita Dictionary
  • अवबद्धो बाहुर्येन सुश्रुतोक्ते वायु-रोगभेदे यथा 
    “अंसदेशस्थितोवायुः शोषयित्वांसबन्धनम्। शिरास्त्वाकुञ्च्य तत्रस्थो जनयत्यवबाहुकम्”।
    According to Vachaspathyam


Acharya Charaka does not explicitly mention Avabahuka among the Vataja Nanatamaja Vikara (diseases caused solely by Vata). However, some scholars correlate Avabahuka with Bahusirshagata Vata due to the similarity in the treatment approaches mentioned. The earliest reference to Avabahuka can be found in the Sushruta Samhita.

According to me (author) in Agnivesha’s Anjana Nidana, Avabahuka is mentioned, and it is noted that there are 80 types of Vata Vyadhi (diseases caused by Vata). In this context, I (Agnivesha) am focusing on the symptoms of the more commonly found diseases. It is important to remember that Agnivesha’s work was later elaborated upon by Acharya Charaka, who might have also included Avabahuka in his texts. Additionally, Avabahuka might be synonymous with Bahusirshagata Vata, which could be a subject of debate, similar to the discussions on Ansha Shosha and Avabahuka in Sushruta’s texts.

To conclude, I would like to quote Devdutt Patnaik, with a slight modification: “Ananta Samhitao me chupa hai Ayurveda ka sach, ushko purantaha kishne jana? Varuna ke naina hazar, Indra ke so, Aapke mere kewal do.”

Nidana Panchaka –

No specific Nidana (causative factors) or Upadravas (complications) are mentioned for Avabahuka. Therefore, the general Nidana and other aspects related to Vataja Vyadhi (diseases caused by Vata) can be considered and correlated. In this post, I will focus solely on Avabahuka, with a detailed discussion on Vataja Vikara coming soon. Stay tuned, and don’t forget to subscribe for updates.

Lakshana –

अंसदेशस्थितो वायु शोषयित्वांऽसबन्धनम्। सिराश्चाकुच्य तत्रस्थो जनयेदवबाहुकम् ( Sushruta Samhita nidana 1/82, Madhava Nidana 22/65, Yoga ratnakar Vata Vikara 81, Gada Nigraha 16/72) black text is available only in sushruta.

Vayu in the gluteal region can lead to the wasting (Shosha) of the Ansha joint by constricting the veins, resulting in Avabahuka.

अंसशोषावबाहुकावाह- अंसदेशेत्यादि| अंससमीपोपलक्षितो देशोंऽसदेशः; अंसो बाहुशिरः| अंसबन्धनं श्लेष्माणमित्यर्थः| अंसबन्धनं शोषयित्वा ‘अंसशोषं रोगं करोति’ इति वाक्यशेषो ज्ञेयः| तत्रस्थः अंसदेशस्थित इत्यर्थः|| Dalhana On Sushruta Samhita nidana 1/82

The region near the shoulder is referred to as the Ansha Desha; Ansha also refers to the head of the arm (shoulder joint). The phrase “Ansha Bandhanam Shleshmānam” means the binding of Kapha (mucus or phlegm) in the shoulder. After drying up the binding Kapha, it leads to the disease known as Ansha Shosha.

पूर्वार्द्धलोकेन अंसशोषस्य उत्तरार्द्धन अवबाडुकस्य च लक्षणमाइ-अंसेति
अंतबन्धनं श्लेष्माणं शोषयित्वा ‘अंसशोषं जननेत्’ इति शेषः Chakrapanidutta On Sushruta Samhita nidana 1/82

The symptoms of Ansa Shosha are described in the first half, and those of Avabahuka in the latter half, beginning with the phrase “in the shoulder” (Anshe). The remaining part explains that after drying up the binding Kapha in the shoulder, it leads to the condition known as Ansha Shosha.

अंसे पूर्वोक्तविश्वाचीशेषं रोगं दर्शयन्नाह- अंसदेशस्थितो वायुरित्यादि| धातुक्षयकृत एव वायुः, शोषयेदंसबन्धनमिति शोषस्य वातकृतत्वात्; कफावृतस्य शोषासामर्थ्यात्| अंसबन्धनं श्लेष्मा, बध्नातीति बन्धनं; कथं पुनरंसबन्धनं कफादुच्यते? तस्यैव बन्धनेऽधिकारात्; तदुक्तं- “सन्धयः साधु वर्तन्ते संश्लिष्टाः श्लेष्मणा तथा”; (शा. ४), तथा- “गुणाः कालात् परं श्लेष्मा बन्धनेऽक्ष्णोः सिरायुतः” (उ. त. १) इति| तत्रस्थ एव आकुञ्च्य सिरा अवबाहुकं जनयतीति| चकारो भिन्नक्रमे| अवबाहुकः सन्धिगतेन कफस्नेहेन वातेन च, सन्धिगतत्वात्; अंससन्धेश्च कफस्थानत्वात्| द्वावेतौ व्याधी| यदाह- “अंसशोषावबाहुकयोरंसमध्यतः” (शा. ८) इति| यथा चैतयोर्वातरोगयोरपि सिराव्यधस्तथा तत्रैव वक्ष्यामः Gaya Dasa On Sushruta Samhita nidana 1/82

The Vayu in the shoulder region becomes vitiated due to the depletion of tissues, leading to the drying up of the binding element (Ansha Bandhanam), which indicates that the condition is caused by Vata. When Kapha (Shleshma) is obstructed, it lacks the ability to cause drying, so it is Vata that induces this drying effect. This process leads to the contraction of the veins, resulting in the condition known as Avabahuka. Avabahuka arises from a combination of Vata and Kapha imbalances, with the shoulder joint being a predominant site of Kapha. Both Ansha Shosha and Avabahuka are described as occurring in the central part of the shoulder, as noted: “In the middle of the shoulder, Ansha Shosha and Avabahuka occur.” Although these are primarily Vata disorders, venesection (Siravedha) is considered applicable in their treatment.

अंसमूलस्थितो वायुः सिराः सङ्कोच्य तत्रगाः ॥ बाहुप्रस्पन्दितहरं जनयत्यपबाहुकम् Ashtanga Sangraha Nidana 15/45, Ashtanga Hridya Nidana 15/42

When the veins in the Ansha Pradesha (shoulder region) become constricted, it leads to the contracture of the arm, a condition known as Avabahuka. In this condition, there is a loss of range of motion in the arm.

वायुरंसमूले स्थितः, तत्रगाः-अंसमूलाश्रिताः, सिराः सङ्कोच्यावबाहुकाख्यं वातव्याधिं जनयति| किम्भूतम् ? बाहुप्रस्पन्दितं हरतीति बाहुप्रस्पन्दितहरम्, ” हरतेरनुद्यमनेऽच्” इत्यच्| Hemadri on Ashtanga Hridya Nidana 15/42

Vayu (the dosha) settles in the root of the shoulder (Ansha Moola) and constricts the veins that reside in this region, leading to the condition known as Avabahuka, a disease caused by Vata. What is its nature? It causes the loss of the arm’s range of motion, thus it is called Bahupraspanditaharam (which takes away the movement of the arm). Harateranudyamane ach is used to denote this action.

अवबाहुकलिङ्गमंसमूल इत्यादि|| Indu on Ashtanga Sangraha Nidana 15/45

The symptoms of Avabahuka are rooted in the shoulder region, etc.

शिरासंकोचांसशोषकरः स्यावबाहुकः ॥ Rasa Kamadhenu Vata Vikara 17

When the Vayu residing in the Ansha Pradesha (shoulder region) becomes vitiated, it constricts the veins and causes Ansha Sosha (wasting of the shoulder muscles). This condition is known as Avabahuka.

आमूलमेकबाहोश्थेद्वयथा स्यादवबाहुकः ॥ Anjana nidana 107

When there is pain extending from the root of the arm to the entire hand, it is referred to as Avabahuka.

सिराः सङ्कोच्य बाहुस्थः स कुर्यादवबाहुकम् ।। Bhava Prakasha Samhita 24/81, Vaidya Chintamani vata vikara 98, Brihat Nighantu Ratnakar

When the veins in the Ansha Pradesha (shoulder region) become constricted, it leads to the contracture of the arm, a condition known as Avabahuka.

अंसमूलस्थितो वायुर्जनयत्यवबाहुकम् ।। Vaidya Sara Sangraha Vata Vikara 26

When vitiated Vayu in the Ansha Pradesha (shoulder region) causes severe pain in the shoulders, the condition is known as Avabahuka..

Saranghdhar Samhita purvakhanda 7/108 mentions about Avabahuka at 22 no. in Vataja disoders.

Dosha Pradhanya –

Although Avabahuka is included in the category of Vataja Nanatamaja Vyadhi (diseases caused solely by Vata), there are some distinguishing differences, which are outlined as follows:

अवबाहुकमाह-सिराश्चेत्यादिना अवबाहुकम् । तत्रस्थोंऽ सदेशस्थः, सिरा आकुञ्यावबाहुकं जनयेत् । अयं वातकफजः । अन्ये तु मिलित्वाऽ वबाहुकलक्षणमाहुः तन्न, यतः सुश्रुतेनोक्तम्अं सशोषावबाहुकयोर्बाहुमध्ये सिराव्यधः (Madhukosha Commentary 22/65 )

Vayu, by constricting the veins in the scapular region, causes Avabahuka. It is considered to be of Vataja-Kaphaja or Dvandaja nature. Some Acharyas believe that Anshadeshoshita (wasting of the shoulder) and Avabahuka are the same condition, but this view is contested by Madhukoshakar. For both Ansha Shosha and Avabahuka, the recommended treatment is Siravedha (venesection) in the middle of the arm.

Madhavakar has clarified that Ansha Shosha and Avabahuka are not the same disease or stages of the same disease, contrary to some beliefs. Ansha Shosha is attributed to Dhatu Kshaya (tissue depletion) and is categorized as a Shudha Vata Janya Vyadhi (pure Vata-induced disease). In contrast, Avabahuka is considered to be Vata-Kaphaja (a combination of Vata and Kapha).


गृध्रसीविश्वाचीक्रोष्टुकशिरःखञ्जपङ्गुलवातकण्टकपाददाहपादहर्षावबाहुकबाधिर्यधमनीगतवातरोगेषु यथोक्तं यथोद्देशं च सिराव्यधं कुर्यात्, अन्यत्रावबाहुकात्; वातव्याधिचिकित्सितं चावेक्षेत || Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa 5/23

For conditions like Grdhrasī (sciatica), Viśvācī (neuralgia), Kroştukaśīrṣa (similar to gout), Khañjapangu (lameness), Vātakanțaka (heel pain), Pādadāha (burning feet), Pādaharsa (tingling feet), Bādhirya (deafness), and Dhamanigatavāta (Vata in the blood vessels), venesection (Sirāvyadha) is usually done. However, for Avabāhuka (frozen shoulder), instead of venesection, treatments specifically for Vata disorders are used.

तत्र यः स्नेहनार्थं शून्यशिरसां ग्रीवास्कन्धोरसां च बलजननार्थं दृष्टिप्रसादजननार्थं वा स्नेहो विधीयते तस्मिन् वैशेषिको नस्यशब्दः |
तत्तु देयं वाताभिभूते शिरसि दन्तकेशश्मश्रुप्रपातदारुणकर्णशूलकर्णक्ष्वेडतिमिरस्वरोपघात- नासारोगास्यशोषावबाहुकाकालजवलीपलितप्रादुर्भावदारुणप्रबोधेषु वातपैत्तिकेषु मुखरोगेष्वन्येषु च वातपित्तहरद्रव्यसिद्धेन स्नेहेनेति Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/22

Brihana nasaya told for avabahuka

 तथाच भोजः- “एकान्तरं द्व्यन्तरं वा नस्यं दद्याद्विचक्षणः| सप्ताहं तु परं देयं विश्रान्तस्य पुनः पुनः||पक्षं विंशतिरात्रं वा यावद्वा साधु मन्यते”- इति| अपरस्त्वाह- “त्र्यहं पञ्चाहमथवा सप्ताहं वा सुयन्त्रितः| परं नवाहमूर्ध्वं तु नवाहात् सात्म्यतां व्रजेत्||न तन्नस्यगुणं कुर्यात् सात्म्यत्वाद्दोषकृन्न च| तस्मान्नस्यप्रयोगस्तु स्नैहिको न हितः सदा”- इति|| Dalhana on Su.Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 40/22

Bhoja states: “An expert should administer Nasya on alternate days or every second day; it may also be given for a week, or, if necessary, for twenty days or a month, provided there are appropriate rest periods in between.”

Another opinion suggests: “Administer Nasya for three, five, or seven days consecutively, or even for nine days. After nine days, it becomes a habitual practice and does not produce its therapeutic effects. Therefore, the oleation type of Nasya should not always be recommended

धातुक्षयनिमित्तवातकोपजनितोऽवबाहुकः, अतोऽन्यात्रावबाहुकादिति वाक्येन सिराव्यधो निषिध्यते| गयी तु, अन्यत्रावबाहुकाद् वातव्याधिचिकित्सितमवेक्षेतेति सम्बध्नाति; तथाहि वातव्याधिचिकित्सिते यत् स्नेहस्वेदादिकं तदवबाहुके कफस्थानसम्भवत्वेन कफावृतवातजे विरुद्धं, तत्र हि स्वेदनस्यादिकं विधेयं रूक्षमेवः, न तु ‘सिराव्यधं कुर्यादन्यत्रावबाहुकात्’ इति सम्बन्धः Dalhana Commentary on Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa 5/23

Avabāhuka is caused by aggravated Vata due to tissue depletion, which is why venesection (Sirāvyadha) is not recommended. According to Gayadasa, “Vātavyādhi treatment should be used for these conditions, except for Avabāhuka.” Since Avabāhuka occurs in a Kapha region, treatments like oleation and traditional sudation should be avoided, with only dry sudation being allowed. It’s important not to misinterpret this as meaning that venesection is forbidden in Avabāhuka, because in cases of Amsaśoșa and Avabāhuka, Sirāvyodha is actually advised.

अपबाही हितं नस्यं स्नेहश्चोत्तरभक्तिकः । Madhava Chikitsa Sutram Vata Vyadhi, Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa 21/44

Nasya and Snehapana (intake of medicated ghee or oil) after meals are effective treatments for Avabahuka.

अवबाहौ नस्यादि हितम्| आमे तूपवास एव हित इत्युवाच सङ्ग्रहे Indu Commentary on Ashtanga Hridya Chikitsa 21/44

Nasya (nasal therapy) and other treatments are beneficial in Avabahuka. However, when Ama (undigested toxins) is present, fasting alone is beneficial

अपबाहुके नावनमूर्ध्वभक्तं च निरामे स्नेहपानम्|
विश्व भीप्रभृतिषु पाददाहान्तेषु यथोक्तां सिरां विद्ध्वा वात
व्याधिवदुपाचरेत्||Ashtanga Sangraha Chikitsa 23/2

In Avabahuka, Navana (nasal therapy) after food is beneficial. In the absence of Ama (toxins), Snehapana (internal administration of medicated ghee or oil) is recommended. For conditions like Visvachi (a type of neuralgia), Bhiprabhriti, and those causing burning sensations in the feet (Padadaha), venesection (Siravedha) should be performed as prescribed. Afterward, the treatment should follow the guidelines for managing Vata disorders.

अपबाहुके स्नेहपानं घृतं तैलं वा दोषावस्थापेक्षं हितम्| सुबोधम्| विश्वभ्यादिषु सिराव्यधोक्तं सिराः विद्ध्वा सामान्यवातव्याधिवदुपाचरेत्| Indu on Ashtanga Sangraha Chikitsa 23/28

In Avabahuka, the internal administration of Sneha (medicated ghee or oil), whether ghee or oil, is beneficial depending on the condition of the doshas. This is clear and well-understood. In conditions like Visvabhya and similar disorders, venesection (Siravedha) is recommended, and after performing venesection, the treatment should follow the general guidelines for managing Vata disorders.

तैलाज्यमिश्रितम् दशमूलीबलामाषक्वाथं सायं भुक्त्वा पिबेन्नस्यं विश्वाच्यामवबाहुके ॥ मूलं बलायास्त्वथ पारिभद्रात्तथाऽऽत्मगुप्तास्वरसं पिबेद्वा । नस्यं तु यो माषरसेन कुर्यान्मासादसौ वज्रसमानबाहुः ॥ रामठ रुचिकविमिश्रा जिंगिनि निर्यास सम्पुटा । पिष्टं चारनालेन चिरोत्थं नश्यत्यवबाहुकं नस्येन ॥Vrinda madhava athva Sidha Prayoga /50-52

  1. In the case of Visvaci and Avabahuka, it is recommended to administer Nasya (nasal therapy) using ghee and oil processed with Dashmoola, Bala, and Masha Kwatha after dinner.
  2. One who undergoes Nasya with the fresh juice (Swarasa) of Bala Moola or Paribhadra Moola, or Atmagupta, along with the decoction (Kwatha) of Masha, for a month, will develop arms as strong as a Vajra (thunderbolt of Indra).
  3. Administering Nasya with a decoction (Kwatha) of Ramtha and Ruchika, mixed with the resin (Niryasa) of Jingini, can effectively cure chronic Avabahuka.

परमौषधमपबाहुकमन्यास्तम्भोर्ध्वजत्रुगतरोगे शीतलजलेन नस्यं तदुपशमे जिङ्गिनी च पुरः । मूलं बलायास्त्वथ पारिभद्रजं तथाऽऽत्मगुप्तास्वरसं पिबेद्वा ।युञ्जीत यो माषरसेन नस्यं भवेदसौ वज्रसमानबाहुः ।। Bhava Prakasha Samhita 24/82-83, Brihat Nighantu Ratnakar

  1. In cases of Avabahuka, Manya Stambha (stiffness of the neck), and other ENT disorders (Urdhva Jatrukara Vikara), Nasya with cold water is highly effective (para Aushdha) for relieving symptoms.
  2. Nasya with a decoction (Kwatha) of Jingini mixed with Guggulu is beneficial for managing symptoms in conditions such as Avabahuka.
  3. A decoction (Kwatha) of Bala Moola and Paribhadra Moola, or a decoction of the seeds of Atmagupta, strengthens the arm.
  4. Nasya with a decoction (Kwatha) of Masha strengthens the arm, making it as strong as a Vajra (diamond).

यतः सुश्रुतेनोक्तम्अं सशोषावबाहुकयोर्बाहुमध्ये सिराव्यधः (Madhukosha Commentary 22/65 )

For both Ansha Shosha and Avabahuka, the recommended treatment is Siravedha (venesection) in the middle of the arm.

माषतैलरसोनाभ्यां बाह्वोश्च परिवर्तनात् । दशा‌ङ्घ्रिमाषक्वाथेन जयेद्वैद्यो ऽवबाहुकम् ॥ Yoga Ratnakar Vata vikara 132-135

To overcome Avabahuka, the following treatments should be used:

  1. Masha Taila
  2. Rasona (Lahsuna)
  3. Kwatha of Dasanghri and masha
  4. movements of arms

बाहुशोषे पिबेत् भुक्का सर्पिः कल्याणकं महत् । वातेऽपबाहुके नस्यं स्वेदं चोत्तरभक्ति- कम् । बलामूलश्रृतं तोयं सैन्धवेन समन्वितम् । बाहुशोषगते वायौ मन्यास्तम्भे च शस्यते ।परमौषधमपबाहुकमन्यास्तम्भोर्ध्वजत्रुगतरोगे पुरः।। नस्येन शीतपयसा शुकशिंबीमूलजिङ्गिनीं पिष्ट्वा । अपबाहुककन्धरपीडामचिराद्विनाशयेद्योग- मिदम् ।।काकोदुम्बरिदुग्धैः सरामठैहरत्सर्वयोगविच्च । कपिकच्छुमूलयुक्तैर्नस्यैरपबाहुजां पीडाम् ।। मूलं बलायास्त्वथ पारिभद्रं तथात्मगुप्तास्वरसं पिबेद्वा । नस्यन्तु योमाषरसेन प्रद्यान्मासादसौ वज्रसमानबाहुः ।। दशमूलीबलामाषक्वाथं तैलाज्यमिश्रितम् । सायं भुत्त्वा पिबेन्नस्यं विश्वाच्यामपबाहुके ।। Vangasena samhita vata vikara 117-124

  • In Bahu Sosha (wasting of the arm), one should drink Mahat Kalyanka Ghrita after meals. For Avabahuka, Nasya and steam therapy should be administered after meals. Additionally, a decoction (Kwatha) of Bala Moola with rock salt is recommended for Bahu Sosha and Manya Stambha (neck stiffness). Nasya with a mixture of Jingini and Guggulu in cold water is considered an effective remedy for Avabahuka, Manya Stambha, and other ENT (Urdhvajatruka) disorders.
  • Nasya with a paste of Kapikacchu and Jingini mixed in cold water provides immediate relief from Avabahuka and shoulder pain. Additionally, Nasya with a paste made from Kakodumbara milk, Kapikacchu, and Hingu is effective in alleviating Avabahuka.
  • For strengthening the arm, a decoction (Kwatha) of Bala Moola and Paribhadra Moola, or the juice of Kapikacchu, or Nasya with Masha Kwatha for one month can make the arm as strong as a Vajra (diamond).
  • In the case of Visvaci and Avabahuka, it is recommended to administer Nasya (nasal therapy) using ghee and oil processed with Dashmoola, Bala, and Masha Kwatha after dinner. (same as vrindha Madhava)

Yogas –

  • First Masha Taila – Bhavaprakasha 24/84-85 – Only avabahuka indicated
  • Second Masha Taila- Yoga Tarangini vata vikara 26-28 – Told by Vrinda -As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Fourth Masha Taila – Vrinda Madhava 22/126-128 – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Masa Taila – Vangasena samhita vata vikara 124 – indicated in Avabahuka, visvachi and pakshaghata
  • Second Masha Taila– Bhaisajya Ratnawali,vata vikara 26 /557-561, Chakradutta 22 – pana, abhyanga, basti- avabhahuka and other disoders
  • Mashadya Taila or Masha Taila – Yoga ratnakar Vata Vikara 26/132-135 – Indicated in Avabahuka and other vataja disorders, can be used as nasaya, basti, abhyanga, parisechana.
  • Maha Masha Taila – Chakradutta vatavyadhi 22, Bhaisajya Ratnawali,vata vikara 26/570-576 – As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other disoders.
  • Maha Masha Tailam Niramisham – Bhaisajya Ratnawali,vata vikara/578-584 – As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Masha Taila Sapta Prashtam – Bhaisajya Ratnawali,vata vikara 26/565-569, Chakradutta 22 – Indicated in Avabahuka and other vataja disorders, can be used as nasaya, basti, abhyanga, parisechana.
  • Brihan Masha Taila – Veerasingha avaloka vata vikara 125-128, Vrinda Madhava 22/129-133- As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Second Brihan Masha Taila – Vrinda Madhava 22/134-140- As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Niramisha Masha Taila – Chakradutta 22/172-180 – As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Dashanaga Masha Taila – Chakradutta 2/162-164 – nasya, abhyanaga and parisheka – for vabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Dashmooladi kashaya – vangasena samhita vata vyadhi, Chakradutta 22/26 – pana and nasaya only for avabahuka and visvachi
  • Dashanga Taila – Gada Nigraha Taila Prakarnam – Abhyanga – For Avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • VataGajankusha rasa – Rasendra Sara Sangraha 23/4-8 – For Avabahuka and other disoders
  • Balakoeranda Taila – Vaidya Sara Sangraha Vata vikara 91-101 – made by Ashwinikumars – As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Maha Rasnadi Kwatha – Yog Tarangini vata vikara chikitsa 123-129 – told sharangdhara – As Abhyanga, pana, basti and Nasya – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Second Maha Rasnadi Kwatha – Yoga Ratnakar Vata Vyadhi 5-7 – told by Bhrama ji – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Mahat Kalyanka Ghrita – Vangasena Samhita Vata Vikara 117
  • Avabahuka hara lepa – Saranghadhara Samhita Uttar khanda 11/101-102 – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.
  • Ekanga Veera Rasa – Brihat Nighantu Ratnakar – for avabahuka and other vataja disoders.

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