
Biomedical Waste Management : Aim, Process

Biomedical waste (BMW) is defined as waste generated during diagnosis, treatment, immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities.

  • Biomedical Waste Management comes under Section 6, 8 and 25 of Environment Protection Act 1986, these rules shall not apply to radioactive wastes, hazardous chemicals, municipal solid waste, lead acid batteries, e-waste, hazardous microorganisms.
  • Comes under Ministry of Environment and Forest.

Aim for BMW :-

  • Reduce infectious, hazardous waste to nature
  • Reduce volume of waste
  • Recycling the waste
  • Prevention from misuse of BMW

Process of Biomedical Waste Management :-

Biomedical Waste Management

Segregation of Waste :-

ColourOld categoryBag/ContainerTreatment & Disposal options
YellowHuman anatomical waste category 1 & 2Non- chlorinated plastic bagIncineration/ plasma pyrolysis/ deep burial
YellowSolid waste category 6“same as above”“Same as above” Or Autoclaving/ microwaving/ hydroclaving and then shredding/ mutilation
YellowExpired/ discarded medicines category 5 and chemical waste category 10“same as above”Incineration/ Encapsulation/ Plasma pyrolysis
Yellowchemical liquid waste category 8seprate Collection According to treatmentpretreatment then drain
YellowDiscarded linen, mattresses, beddings contaminated with blood or body fluidnon chlorinated plastic bagsnon chlorinated chemical disinfection then incineration/ plasma pyrolysis/ energy recovery
Yellowmicrobiology, biotechnology, clinical laboratory wasteautoclave safe plastic bagPre treatment with non -chlorinated chemical disinfection then incineration
Redcontaminated waste recyclable category 7non chlorinated plastic bagsAutoclaving/ microwaving/ hydroclaving then shredding/ multilation then energy recovery/ road making
whitewaste sharp including metalspuncture proof, leak proof, tamper proof containersautoclaving/microwaving/ hydroclaving then shredding/multilation then iron foundries/ sanitary landfill.
BlueGlassware category 4 and metallic body implantscarboard boxessodium hypochlorite/Autoclaving/ microwaving then recycling
Biomedical Waste Management

Old Categories :-

1Human anatomical wasteIncineration/ deep burial
2Animal wasteIncineration/ deep burial
3microbiology and biotechnology wastelocal Autoclaving/
microclaving/ incineration
4waste sharpsdisinfection/ chemical treatment/ Autoclaving/ microwaving/ mutilation and shredding
5discarded medicines and cyto toxic drugsincineration/ destruction and disposal in secured landfill
6solid waste contaminated with blood, body fluidsIncineration/ Autoclaving/ microwaving
7solid wastedisinfection/ chemical treatment/ Autoclaving/ microwaving/ mutilation and shredding
8liquid wastedisinfection/ chemical treatment and discharge to drains
9incineration ashdisposal in municipal landfill
10chemical wastechemical treatment and discharge to drains and secured landfill for solid

Methods of disposal:-

  • Incineration (burning) :- for organic and combustible waste, non reusable/ not suitable for land filing.
    • double chambered pyrolytic :- temp. 800-900°C, toxic gas is treated before elimination.
    • single chambered furnace :- temp. 300-400°C, sharp/ infectious/ gernal waste treated.
    • rotary klin chambers :- rotating oven with 2-3 min/rpm for geno toxic, resistance chemical waste.
  • Deep burial :- away from human residence & water sources, low lying area a pit of 2m deep is dug. Pit is half field with waste, then covered with soil and then galvanized iron or wire meshes.
  • Autoclave :- works on principle of pressure cooker, widely used in hospitals, operates at 100°C, high pressure to kill germs, absolute sterility is attained
  • Microwave irradiation :- heat generated by EM waves, liquid waste are used (Category 1, 2 not recommended). Kills pathogen, volume reduction and min. pollution
  • Chemical disinfectant
  • Land filing
  • Disinfection :- alcohol, quaternary ammonium compound, bleaching powder used, used for solid & liquid waste. More the time of contact more the effectiveness.
  • Sterilization
  • Thermal treatment
  • Inertization :- mixing waste with lime (15%), cement (15%) and water (05%), leads to produce pellets for storage.
  • Gamma irradiation
  • Electron beaming
  • Plasma torch technology
  • Hydroclave
  • Bacterial culturing

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