Defination– Anti malarial medications or simply anti malarials are a type of antiparasitic chemical agent, often naturally derived, that can be used to treat or to prevent malaria. Cycle of malaria ANTIMALARIAL DRUGS Chloroquine (CQ) Amodiaquine Piperaquine Mefloquine Quinine Quinidine Proguanil (Chloroguanide) Pyrimethamine Primaquine Tafenoquine Sulfadoxine Sulfamethopyrazine Tetracycline Doxycycline Clindamycin OBJECTIVES AND USE OF ANTIMALARIAL […]
Category: Dravya Guna
Thyroid hormone Thyroid gland secretes three hormones – T4 (thyroxine), T3 (triiodothyronine) (both produced by thyroid follicle) and calcitonin ( produced by inter follicular “c” cells. Regulation of secretion- Secretion from thyroid is controlled by anterior pituitary, by elaboration of thyrotropin, while TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) itself is regulated by TRH ( Thyroid releasing […]
Histamine definition A chemical found in some of the body cells – causes many of the symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose or sneezing. When a person is allergic to a particular substance, such as a food or dust, the immune system mistakenly believes that this usually harmless substance is actually harmful to […]
Pharmacology It is the science of drugs that deals with interaction of exo genously administered chemical molecules with living systems Any single chemical substance which can produce a biological response is a drug. Pharmacodynamics What the drug does to the body. This includes physiological and biochemical effects of drugs and their mechanism of action at […]
** Many Plants depending on varieties have more than one kind of flower. For eg. Arka – Red and white, and both of these are in Syllabus too but from Exam point of view, we had included them in only one type of flower. This will reduce load too. Red :- पाटलिपुत्र में सालो पहले […]
Botanical name = Elencarpun vermis Family = Elaeocarpaceae Vernicular Names:- संस्कृत – रुद्राक्षम्, भूत नाशनम्, शिवाक्षम्, शर्वाक्षम, पावनम्, नीलकंठाक्षम, शिवप्रिया: हिन्दी – रुद्राक, रुद्राक्ष, रुद्राकी English name – Utrasum bead tree of India, India oil fruit उड़िया – रुद्राख्यां कन्नड – रुद्राक्ष गुजराती – रुद्राक्ष तमिल – रुद्राकाई तेलुगु – रुद्राक्ष बंगाली – रुद्राक्याा नेपाली […]
In Dravaya gunn we learn to identify various plants and separate them from each other but it’s not possible for a student to learn them all at once and which requires remembering again and again, but how could you identify plant if you haven’t seen it? Or nor told by anyone! Because all the plants […]
Chemical Constituents :- So ready to learn chemical Constituents? Before this visit botanical names and learn them becoz here we will make you understand naming of chemical Constituents on the basis of botanical name and sanskrit names and also about common chemical Constituents Specific :- Method for specific – Step 1 : select one from […]
How to use this trick :- Trick consists of 2 steps. The step 1 will let us know about class of plant and step 2 will let you know about gernal features of various classes so that we could write morphology accordingly if asked Step 1: Knowing Class लता ( Creeper ):- पीपल के नीचे […]
There are total 104 Detailed Plants mentioned in syllabus. It causes a lot of worry in mind of students about how to remember them? Even if Dravya guna comes into our minds, we fear about these plants. We were also similar to most of you, faced the same problem. But then we had used our geeks […]