Kumar Bhritya Rog Nidan Swasthavrit

Immunity & Ayurveda | व्याधिक्षमत्व : The Key to a Healthy Life

व्याधिक्षमत्व or Immunity दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है। ‘व्याधि‘ = विविधं दुःखमादधातीति व्याधि:।। (च० चि० 1/5); अर्थात् आयुर्वेद में दुख का नाम ही व्याधि है। ‘क्षमत्व’ का अर्थ होता है = बनाना, गुस्सा रोकना, चुप रहना, या लड़ना (अमरकोष) व्याधिक्षमत्व को सर्वप्रथम चक्रपाणि ने बताया है। व्याधिक्षमत्वं व्याधिबल विशेधित्वं व्याध्युत्पाद प्रतिवन्धकत्वमिति यावत् ।। (च० […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

All about Curd (दही) according to Ayurveda

From kids to oldies all love curd and have it atleast once a day, sometimes at night also. But what does Ayurveda say about it? Can we eat it daily? Can we eat it at Night? Is it a Virodhik Aahar? Should we eat fresh curd? And many more questions. They all will be answered […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

Milkshake – Which is the best according to Ayurveda?

As in today’s world we drink Milkshake more than milk. People think it has more nutrients and protein content. Even a person who is thin, he or she is advised to drink banana shake but is this actually beneficial? Which all shakes are better? So in this article we will decode it together. So let’s […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

Honey and Warm water good or bad ? Ayurvedic Facts

Hi, today we are back with another article on things we see or hear about Ayurveda in Daily life. So, you might have heard about Honey and it’s effects on immunity and weight loss, when mixed with warm water. Many advertisements are shown in social media regarding it. Now the question is, Has Ayurveda said […]


Sewage Treatment : How do they work ?

Sewage :- It is waste water from a community, containing solid and liquid excreta, derived from houses, street and yard washing, factories and industries Composition of Sewage :- 99.9% water 0.1% solids (organic and inorganic) Treatment :- the manner in which someone behaves towards or deals with someone or something. Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater, containing […]


Excreta Disposal and Management (मलनिष्कसन व्यवस्था) : Steps

Human Excreta is a source of pollution (water, soil), which leads to various diseases like typhoid, diarrhoea, dysentery, amoebiasis, ascariasis, viral hepatitis, etc. etc. In order to control these diseases, we require Excreta Disposal and Management. Methods of Excreta (Night soil) Disposal:- Unsewered areas Sewered areas collection & removal of night soil from bucket and […]


Biomedical Waste Management : Aim, Process

Biomedical waste (BMW) is defined as waste generated during diagnosis, treatment, immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities. Biomedical Waste Management comes under Section 6, 8 and 25 of Environment Protection Act 1986, these rules shall not apply to radioactive wastes, hazardous chemicals, municipal solid waste, lead acid batteries, e-waste, hazardous microorganisms. […]


Disposal of Dead Body (शव विनाश) : Methods, Importance

Death :- Termination of biological functions or condition of cessation of life is termed as Death. Signs of death :- Pallor mortis Algor mortis Livor mortis Rigor mortis Decomposition Assessment of death :- Ancient method :- Vinegar, pepper/ poking red hot rod to dead person. Modern method :- Diagnosis; Clinical death/ physiological death – physiological […]


Solid Waste Management (अपद्रव्य निरमूलन) – An overview

Solid Waste (Refuse):- Waste which is devoid of night soil is called Solid Waste. Garbage (food wastes) Rubbish (Paper, plastic, wood, metal, containers) Sewage residual (sludge, scum, suspended particles) Demolition products (bricks, cement, gravels, sand, pipes) Dead body of animals Manure and other discarded materials. Management :- The process of dealing with or controlling things […]

Swasthavrit Yoga

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose (Prone position) : Steps, Benefits

फन ऊठाऐ हुए कृष्णसर्प के समान आकृति बनने से इसे भुजङ्गासन (Bhujangasana) या सर्पासन कहा गया है। स्थिति– अधोमुख तानासन। विधि :- पेट के बल लेट कर हाथ और पैर लम्बे करके जमीन पर टिका हुऐ रहे। पश्चात दोनों हाथों की कोहनियों को मोड़कर अंगुलियों को कन्धे के पास रखें। धीरे-धीरे ठुड्डी को ऊपर उठाते […]