Chemical Constituents :-
So ready to learn chemical Constituents? Before this visit botanical names and learn them becoz here we will make you understand naming of chemical Constituents on the basis of botanical name and sanskrit names and also about common chemical Constituents
Specific :-
Method for specific –
Step 1 : select one from below :-
- Take genus name upto 5 character.
- Take species name upto 5 character. ( Works with less )
- Take sanskrit name and translate it in English.
- Combination of genus and species name
Step 2 : Adding :-
Add ine ,nol, lide, side ( acid but works with less) to step 1 and specific chemical Constituent is ready.
Example :-
- Aegle marmelos ( बिल्व ) :- Marmesin, Marmelesin, Marmelide.
- Piper longum ( पीपली ) :- Piperin, Piperside, Piperlongine, Piperside
- Fumaria indica ( पर्पट ) :- Fumaredine, Fumaric acid
- अगरू :- Agarol, Agarospirol, Aquillochin
- अर्जुन :- Arjungenin, Arjunolik
- Withania somnifera ( अश्वगंधा ) :- Withaferin, Withaniolide, Withasominine
- Aloe Vera ( कुमारी ) :- Aloin, Aloeson, Aloesin
So on for others like अग्निमंथ, आरगवध, काल मेघ, गिलोय, गूगुलू, गोक्षुर, चंदन, चित्रक, जटामांसी, जतिफ्ल, जीरा, तिल, तुलसी, देव दारू, नाग केशर, मुस्तक, पुनर्नवा, पुष्करमूल, बकुची, बिल्व, मरिच, ज्योतिष्मती, मुलेठी, मंजिष्ठ, रोहितक, वच, वरुण, वासा, विदरी, वाराही, शिग्रु, शंखपुष्पी,विडंग, वाराही, सर्प गंध, सारीवा, अदरक, शुंठि, हरितकी, हरिद्रा, हिंगु आदि।
** This way is working for 70 plants out of 104 detailed plants. For remaining one can just go for Common one. Ques comes in exam as tell 2 chemical Constituents in xyz plant and this can be answered by this way.
* Every Books chemical Constituents varies based on research present at that time, it varies with Book and version. We have consulted Bhav Prakash Nighantu 2017 edition for this conclusions.

Common :-
- Tenin
- Resin
- Sugar*
- Galic acid
- Lipid
- Pectin
- Linonic acid
- Glulatin
Practice Time : Now your turn :-
Guess the plant name according to Chemical Constituents shown in image. After guessing to check you guess right or wrong visit comments section. Answer in Comment section.
Dossage :-
Before anyone begins to know about Dossage one need to know Ras Panchak of plant. Haven’t learnt it still? Click here to view and learn. Reason that one person should know about Ras Panchak before viewing this because in this post we will understand how Dossage works. In this post we are sharing our observations, not a Trick. Reason we haven’t created a trick with our observation is that while in exam too much trick can confuse a child. So keeping limited tricks will make it easy for everyone 😁. So let’s begin with our observation now :-
Churna Dossage based upon Veerya :-
- Sheet Veerya :- 3-6 gm*
- Ushan Veerya :- 1-3 gm*
Kwath Dossage based upon Veerya :-
- Sheet Veerya :- 30-50 ml*
- Ushan Veerya :- 10-20 ml*
* Here mentioned is gernal dossage we found in our observation. To make it applicable for all 104 detailed plants we had kept it safe by keeping it slightly less . For example Chandan has a Dossage of 3-6 gm as churna, and is sheet virya plant so it’s Dossage is 2-5gm from over value that’s also applicable. This rule has few exceptions too :-
9 exceptions to above average values :-
Most of these are from upvish and vish class they have very less dossage :-
- वत्सनाभ :- 15 mg
- कपिलू :- 30 mg
- अहिफेंन :- ½-1 रती
- भल्लातक :- 1-2 बूंद
- गुगूलू :- 1-4 रती
- ज्योतिष्मति :- 2 रती
- केशर :- ½-1 ग्राम
- बकुची :- ½-1 ग्राम
- जातिफल :- ½-1 ग्राम
- पीपली :- ½-1 ग्राम
One reply on “Understanding Chemical Constituents, Dossage Detailed Plants”
Chemical Constituents :-
Picture one :- embelin, vidangin, embelic acid
Answer to this :- Embelia ribes ( वायविडंग )
Picture two :- disobulbinus, disobilivin, disoscoresin
Answer to this :- dioscorea bulbifera ( वाराही कंद )
Picture three :- vasacolin, vasinin, vasinin, vasicolinon,
Answer to this :- वासा
Picture four :- tuberosin
Answer to this :- Puraria tuberosa ( विदारी कंद )
Picture five :- convolvin, convolmin, convolidine, convolin, convoline acid
Answer to this :- Convolvulus pluricaulis ( शंखपुष्पी )
Last picture :- oleichidik, oleinik, iso – oleintin
Answer to this :- Moringa oleifera ( शीग्रु )