Dravya Guna

Cultivation of Medical Plants – Problem and solution

Introduction :-

Cultivation may be defined as the production of crops (medicinal plants) using prepared land thy tending them either to skilled people or unskilled people.

  • Since the ancient times several countries possess rich heritage of herbal drugs, but only few cultivated plants are in use.
  • Due to modern development in the scientific approach towards the cultivation of plants, many more drugs have come to use.
  • Cultivation of vegetable drugs involve both the aspects i.e. agricultural and pharmaceutical
    • It involves the sharp knowledge of soil, climate rainfall irrigation, altitude, temperature, use of fertilizers pesticides , genetic manipulation biochemical aspects of Natural drugs. when all the factor combined and directed in one direction new Scientific cultivation technology emerges out.
  • But due to lack of complete knowledge of all such aspects of this scientific cultivation Technology, their is depletion of drug resources obtained from many plants.
    • Also this leads of uneconomical cultivation of medical plants
      • For example – clove, cardom, acacia, vomica, tea, Indian hemp, tea, ginger, poppy, latex etc etc.

Solution for cultivation :-

  • Cultivation should be promoted on barren monarable and marginal land under a participatory management action plan to improve the economy economy of deprived farmers
  • Cultivation should be encouraged through appropriate rural technologies such as poly house, methane house, polypit, mulching and organic farming.
  • Traditional healers, farmers and other stakeholders involved in medical plant sector should be properly registered and recognised
  • possible market opportunities and better return to farmers.
  • strict implementation of laws and rules, should be done.
  • Providing incentives and proper training on the latest activities, developement policies should be done.

Ayurvedic aspect :-

Ayurveda had an seprate branch for plants known as “Vriksha Ayurveda” ” वृक्षायुर्वेद” by “Surapala” have many ways for organic farming and improve quality of plant produced.

To read about conservation of medical plants click here. These topics are included in Dravyagun paper 1 of Second year B.A.M.S. syllabus.

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