Duration of Pregnancy= 280 days or 40 weeks, calculated from the first day of last menstrual period. This is called Menstrual / Gestational age.
Fertilization generally occurs 14 days prior to the expected missed period. Thus, true gestation period is 266 days.
First trimester (First 12 weeks)
1. Subjective Symptoms:-
- Amenorrhoea= However, cyclic bleeding may occur upto 12 weeks of pregnancy.
- Morning sickness in about 50% cases. It occurs soon following the missed period. Nausea on rising from the bed to loss of appetite or even vomiting may occur.
- Frequency of micturition decreased during 8th-12th week of pregnancy. It is generally due to anteverted position of uterus, that straightens after 12th week.
- Breast discomfort= Feeling of fullness and pricking sensation.
- Fatigue
2. Objective signs:-
- Breast changes= Observed in primigravidae. Evident between 6-8 weeks. The nipple and areola become more pigmented, specially in dark women. Montgomery’s tubercle are prominent. Colostrum is expressed.
- Per Abdomen= Uterus can be felt as a suprapubic bulge until 12th week.
- Pelvic changes=
- Jacquemier ‘s / Chadwick’s sign- Discolouration of the vestibule and anterior vaginal wall at about 8th week of pregnancy.
- Vaginal sign- Walls soften, copious mucoid discharge at 6th week and increased pulsation at lateral fornices. (Osiander’s sign)
- Cervical signs- Cervix softens at around 6th week. Pregnant cervix feels like lips of mouth
- Uterine signs=
- Change in size, shape and consistency.
- Hegar’s sign–
- Palmer’s sign- Regular and rhythmic uterine Contraction can be elicited during bimanual examination as early as 4-8 weeks.
Immunological test for Diagnosis of Pregnancy :-
It depends on detection of the antigen (hCG) present in the maternal urine or serum with antibody.
Test used:
- Agglutination inhibition test= Pregnancy test is negative, if there is Agglutination.
- Direct agglutination test (hCG direct test)
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Fluoroimmuno assay (FIA)
- Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Second trimester (13-28 weeks)
Amenorrhoea continues. Other features:
- Quickening (feeling of life)= Perception of active foetal movements by the women. Usually felt at about 18th week.
- Progressive enlargement of the lower abdomen.
General Examination:
- Chloasma= Pigmentation over the forehead and cheek may appear at about 24th week.
- Breast changes= Breasts are more enlarged with prominent veins under the skin. Secondary areola specially in primigravidae, colostrum becomes thick and variable degree of striae may be visible.
Abdominal examination:
1. Inspection:-
- Linear pigmented zone extending from symphysis pubis to ensiform cartilage may be visible at around 20th week.
- Striae (both pink and white) are visible in the lower abdomen.
2. Palpation:-
- Fundal height is increased with progressive enlargement of the uterus.
- Uterus feels soft and elastic.
- Palpation of fetal parts can be felt distinctly by 20th week.
- Active fetal movements as early as 20th week.
- External ballottement is usually elicited as early as 20th week when the fetus is relatively smaller than the volume of the amniotic fluid.
3. Auscultation:-
Foetal heart sound (FHS) most conclusive clinical sign of pregnancy. It can be detected between 18-20 weeks. The rate varies between 110-160 beats per minute. Other 2 sounds confused with fetal heart sounds are:- Uterine souffle and fetal souffle.
Vaginal Examination:
- Bluish discolouration of the vulva, vagina and cervix and softening of cervix.
- Internal ballottement can be elicited between 16-28th week
- Sonography
- Fetal organ anatomy
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Last / Third trimester (29-40 weeks)
- Amenorrhoea persists
- Enlargement of the abdomen is Progressive
- Lightening= At about 38th week, specially in primigravidae, a sense of relief of pressure symptoms is obtained
- Frequency of micturition reappears
- Fetal movements are more.
- Cutaneous changes are more prominent.
- Uterine shape= changed from cylindrical to spherical beyond 36th week
- Fundal height= Symphysis fundal height (SFH)
- Braxton= Hicks contractions are more evident
- Fetal movements are easily felt.
- Palpation of the Fetal parts and their identification becomes easier.
- FHS is heard distinctly in areas corresponding to presentation and position of fetus
- Sonography
- Fetal AC (at the level of umbilical vein to assess gestational age and fetal growth profile)
- Amniotic fluid volume assessment
- Placental anatomy
Other information:- Fetal life, number, presentation and organ anatomy are surveyed again.