Female reproductive organs = Those concerned with copulation, fertilization, growth & development of the fetus and its subsequent exit to the outer world.
- External genitalia
- Internal genitalia
- Accessory Reproductive organs
External Genitalia / Vulva / Pudendum :
Includes all visible external quintals in the:
(a) Mons pubis
(b) Labia majora
(c) Labia minora
(d) Hymen
(g) Urethra
(h) Skene’s glands
(i) Bartholin’s glands
(j) Vestibular bulbs
◾Anteriorly by mons pubis
◾Posteriorly by rectum
◾Laterally by genitiocrural fold
Vulvar area is covered by keratinised stratified squamous epithelium.
Internal Genital Organs :
Organs placed internally and require special instruments for inspection.
Includes :-
(a) Vagina
(b) Uterus
(c) Fallopian tubes
(d) Pair of Ovaries
Accessory reproductive organs :
• Mammary glands

External genitalia :
- Mons pubis/ Mons veneris = Pad of subcutaneous adipose connective tissue, lying in front of pubis and in adult female, it is covered by hair.
- Labia majora = Vulva bounded on each side by elevation of skin and subcutaneous tissue which forms the labia majora. It is continuous and joins medially to form posterior commissure in front of anus. Homologous to ‘scrotum in male’
- Labia minora = Two thin folds of skin, devoid of fat on either side just within the labia majora.
Anteriorly they divide and unite with each other in front and behind the clitoris to form prepuce and frenulum.
Lower portion of labia minora fuses across the midline to form a fold of skin known as fourchette.
B/w fourchette and the vaginal orifice is the Fossa navicularis.
It is Homologous to penile urethra and part of the skin of penis in males.
- Clitoris = A small cylindrical erectile body, measuring about 1.5-2 cm situated in most anterior part of vulva. It consists of a glans, a body and two crura. Vessels of clitoris are connected with the vestibular bulb and are liable to be injured during child birth. Homologous to the ‘Penis in the male’.
- Vestibule = A triangular space bounded; Anteriorly by the clitoris. Posteriorly by Fourchette. On either sides by labia minora
Four openings in the vestibule :-
- Urethral opening = Opening situated in the midline, in front of vaginal orifice about 1-1.5cm below the pubic arch.
- Vaginal orifice and Hymen = Vaginal orifice lies in the posterior end of Vestibule. In virgins and nulliparous, the opening is closed by labia minora. Incompletely closed by a septum of mucous membrane called hymen.
- Opening of Bartholin’s ducts = There are two bartholin glands:-Situated in superficial perineal pouch, close to the posterior end of vestibular bulb, pea-sized and yellowish white in colour. During sexual excitement, it secretes abundant of alkaline mucus which helps in lubrication. Each gland has got a duct which measures about 2cm and opens into the vestibule outside hymen. Homologous to ‘Bulb of penis in male’.
- Skene’s glands = Largest paraurethral glands. It is homologous to the ‘Prostate in male’. Two skene’s ducts may open in the vestibule on either side of external urethral meatus.
- Vestibular bulb = bilateral elongated masses of erectile tissues situated beneath the mucous membrane of the vestibule. Homologous to the bulb of the penis and corpus spongiosum in male.
- Perineum = Bounded above by pelvic floor, below by skin b/w buttocks & thighs. Posterionly by coccyx. It has a diamond shaped space bony pelvic outlet. Two triangular spaces- 1). Urogenital triangle 2). Anal triangle
Common base formed by free border of urogenital diaphragm.
- Anal triangle – no obstetric importance
- Urogenital triangle – two pouches: •Superficial pouch = Superficial transverse perinei, Bulbospongiosus, covering bulb of Vestibule, Ischio cavernosus (covering crura of clitoris) •Deep perineal pouch = Deep transverse perinei and sphincter urethrae membranaceae.
Importance :-
- Helps to support levator ani. (which is placed above it)
- Vulnerable to injury during child birth.
- Deliberate cutting of the structures during delivery is called Episiotomy.
Blood supply of External genitalia :
• Arterial Supply =
- Branches of Internal pudendal artery.
- Branches of femoral artery – Superficial and Deep external pudendal artery.
• Veins =
- Internal pudendal vein.
- Vesical or Vaginal venous plexus.
- Long saphenous vein
Nerve supply of External genitalia :
Through bilateral spinal somatic nerves.
- Antero- superior part by Cutaneous branches from Ilio- inguinal and Genital branch of Genito femoral nerve.
- Postero- inferior part by Pudendal branch from Posterior Cutaneous nerve of thigh
- Vulva supplied by Labial and Perineal branches of Pudendal nerve.
Lymphatics of External genitalia :
Bilateral drainage drains into:-
- Superficial inguinal nodes
- Intermediate groups of inguinal lymph nodes
- External and internal iliac lymph nodes
Development :
External genitalia is developed in the region of Cranial aspect of Ectodermal Cloacal fossa.
- Clitoris from genital tubercle.
- Labia minora from genital folds.
- Labia majora from Labia scrotal swelling.
- Vestibule from urogenital sinus.