काश्यप संहिता में भगवान काश्यप के वचनों को वृद्ध जीवक ने संहिता के रूप में लिखा ओर वह इसी कारण यह वृद्ध जीवकिय तंत्र व काश्यप संहिता कहलाती है।
वचन | भगवान काश्यप |
लेखक | वृद्ध जीवक |
प्रति संस्करण कर्ता | वात्सायन |
समय :- इसका समय 6 शताब्दी माना जाता है। परंतु यह उससे भी पुरानी होने की संभावना है यह मेरा मत है।
विषय :- कुमारभृत्य अर्थात् :- वह शस्त्र जिसमें बालकों के विषय में वर्णन मिले। आधुनिक इसे Pediatrics के नाम से जानते है।
विशेष :- इसे कुमरभृत्य तंत्र की मौलिक ग्रंथो में से एक माना जाता है व सबसे उत्तम भी।
कुल अध्याय :- 200
स्थान | अध्याय संख्या |
सूत्र स्थान | 30 |
निदान स्थान | 8 |
विमान स्थान | 8 |
शरीर स्थान | 8 |
इंद्रय स्थान | 12 |
चिकित्सा स्थान | 30 |
सिद्धि स्थान | 12 |
कल्प स्थान | 12 |
खिल स्थान | 80 |

काश्यप संहिता की विशेषता ( Importance ) :-
- लेहन कर्म
- फक्कव चिकित्सा
- जात हारिनी
- धूप कल्प ( 40 प्रकार )
- दंत जन्य व्याधि
- सप्त विध कषाय कलपना
- कर्ण वेदन
- फल प्रासंसन संस्कार
- औषधि कल्पना
- 64 प्रकार के सूतिका रोग
- अन्न प्रासंसन

काश्यप संहिता के विषय :-
अध्याय नाम | अध्याय | विषय |
लेह अध्याय | सूत्र 18 | Deals with leh, indication and contraindications , various leh recipes, administration of leh in various conditions, features. Dossage of leh for children. |
क्षीरोत्पत्तय अध्याय | सूत्र 19 | features of breast milk, inhiated by various graha, effect of colours of breast milk on child’s health. Various methods for stanya shodhan and increasing width of breasts, diseases causing impure milk, concept of stanaya vajra and discription of vajra keelak. |
दंत जन्मीक अध्याय | सूत्र 20 | description of eruption of teeth, various expects of teeth, discription of appearance, falling and reappearance of teeth. Influence of parent, race and on deeds. Causes of eruption of teeth, loosening of teeth are mentioned. Discription and type teeth. |
सूत्र 21 | recipies of ear lobes, increasing and advice of piercing of ear lobe. | |
सूत्र 22 | Snehan | |
सूत्र 23 | Savedan, different types, indication and contraindications, signs of proper, more or less savedan, 8 types of savedan for kids with age of induction. | |
वेदना अध्याय | सूत्र 25 | has description of vedna, headache, ear ache, facial paralysis, jaundice, urinary disorders, paralysis, vomiting, insect bite diagnosis, sign and symptoms. |
सूत्र 26 | description of 4 pillers of treatment. | |
सूत्र 27 | ||
लक्षणा अध्याय | सूत्र 28 | description of features producing longability, types of physic contrilation, ( types of saar and prakriti ) |
निदान स्थान | Missing | |
विमान स्थान | ||
शिष्य उपक्र्मनिय विमान अध्याय | विमान 1 | gernal description, including the induction of student, qualities of teachers, methods of study, different expect are mentioned |
शारीर स्थान | Different chapters of sharir Sthan let’s us know about human beings of different periods, five seasons, development of various body parts of foetus from 3-9 month, transfer of Ojas from mother to foetus, Garbhavakranti, details of putresti yagya, classification of food articles | |
इंद्र्य स्थान | this invludes the discription and types of treatment. Diffrence between aushad and bhaisjaya. Features of death within 1 month, 15 days, bad progoatic dreams. Features of skand pita, skand apasmaar, putna, muka Kritika are mentioned | |
चिकित्सा स्थान | discription of 20 synonyms of Revati (Graha), shasti graha, disorders caused by revati and their treatment, clinical features of shasti, putna, andh putna, sheet putna, kut putna | |
उदावर्त चिकित्सा अध्याय | clinical features and treatment of udavarth | |
शोष चिकित्सा अध्याय | ethiopathogenesis, clinical features of rajayakshama, treatment of vartman pipali, as well as use of mandukparni, shunti, brahmi, madhu as rasayana | |
गुल्म चिकित्सा अध्याय | features and treatment of gulma | |
कुष्ठ चिकित्सा अथ्याय | clinical features of kustha along with principles of treatment | |
clinical features of mutrakrich, ashmari, along with principles of treatment | ||
वर्ण चिकित्सा अध्याय | features, classification and treatment of varna, ethiopathogenisis and treatment of pidika | |
clinical features of grahan in children along with treatment | ||
प्रतिशाया चिकित्सा अध्याय | eithopathogensis, complications, classification, clinical features, types, and treatment of pratikshaya | |
recipies, eatables, details about fakkav rog | ||
सिद्धि स्थान | various expects of asthasthpan and anuvasan, benifits of basti, correct eye of basti for children, shape and size or basti netra, method of administration, importance of basti | |
benifits of vaman, time to start, features of over, less of vaman, virechan, features if atiyog of nasaya, no. Of basti, svedan of child, sansarjan karm, methods of preparation of gud varti. | ||
कल्प स्थान | Chapters have discription of many recipes of fummication in children to epilapsy, graha rog, pishach, rakshas and to provide health. Methods of preparation of various dhoop, anu dhoop, action, uses, contraindications and indications of lahsun ( garlic), various prepration of mustard oil for spleen orders including doses, modes of administration, treatment of eye disorders in children. Recipies of panch bhautik tail for eye disorders. | |
properties of sarppushp, shatavari for birth of children in infertility. Birth of jaat harini, suspetiblity of men and women, gernal features of jaat harnini, new born, types of jaat harini, use of varn bandh – to prevent abortion and pre mature delivery. Various expects of diuretics, features of very Hungry and thristy person with management, Indication and contraindications, mand, indication of milk, various expects of sannipataj jwar with treatment. | ||
खिल स्थान | ||
Features of continous and reminant fever, ethiopathogenisis of various fever along with treatment, characteristics of good bhaisjya, 10 uses of drug in relation to food and their effect, contraindications of use of medicine, method’s of drug administration, features of digestion of drugs, revision of age, importance of diet, it’s classification, properties of food, 25 types of soups, defination of yavagu, ausadh, vilepi, various recipes of enema | ||
जात कर्म अध्याय | their is discription of gernal management of the new born, exact time for showing moon and sun to infant, method for carrying child out, description of toys, complications developed due to prolonged siting of child | |
their is description of supplementary feeds, fruits and cereals. Eye disorders, treatment of skin disorders, principle of treatment of charm dal, eithopathogensis, clinical features and treatment of hyperacidity, colic due to tridosha and specific treatment and properties of milk, various type of water, indication of use of hot water for different diseases |