Modern Pharmacology

Lines of Treatment in Allopathy : An overview

Drugs are classified on the basis of Lines of Treatment according to the particular patient.

Classified as 1st, 2nd and 3rd lines of treatment

First Line treatment

  • Also called as Initial or Primary treatment.
  • Any drug which is best suitable for a particular disease, should be considered in 1st line treatment.
  • Other drugs for the same disease would be called as secondary drugs.
  • Example- Antibiotics

Amoxicillin,TMP-SMX or erythromycin.

Second line treatment

  • Also called as Subsequent or Secondary treatment.
  • If best suitable drugs (1st line treatment) doesn’t work on patient due to any reason i.e. hypertension, BP, malabsorption etc. Then only 2nd line treatment or we can say secondary drugs should be given to that patient.
  • Example- Antibiotics

clarithromycin Azithromycin, Amoxicillin

Third line treatment

  • That is given when both intial treatment (1st line therapy) and subsequent treatment (second line therapy) doesn’t work or stop working.
  • Example- Antibiotics

Rifabutin, rifaximin and sitafloxin


Hence it’s necessary to observe or diagnose the patient very carefully then only start any kind of treatment or drugs to cure his disease.

By Bhawna Tourani

Belonging to Ajmer, Rajasthan. Currently persuading B.A.M.S. 3rd Prof. From Gaur Brahman Ayurvedic College. My Strong point is in Ayurvedic Portion so will help you in that. While Studying Ayurveda for last 2 years i developed hobby about learning about Ayurvedic medicines, also good at reading.

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