Oxytocics are the drugs of varying chemical nature that have the power to excite the contractions of the Uterine muscles.
The important ones:-
- Oxytocin
- Ergot derivatives
- Prostaglandins
Oxytocin has a duration of action of approximately 20 minutes.
Oxytocin loses its effectiveness unless preserved at correct temperature (2-8 degree Celsius).
◾Preparations used:
- Synthetic oxytocin
- Syntometrine
- Desamino oxytocin
- Oxytocin nasal solution
◾Indications- Oxytocin may be conveniently used in pregnancy, labour or puerperium.
Therapeutic- During pregnancy-
- To accelerate abortion- inevitable or missed and to expel hydatidiform mole
- To stop bleeding following evacuation of uterus
- To induce labour
- To ripen the cervix before induction
During labour-
- Augmentation of labour
- Uterine inertia
- Inactive management of third stage of labour
- Following expulsion of Placenta as an alternative to Ergometrine
During Puerperium- To minimise blood loss and to control postpartum hemorrhage.
Diagnostic– Contraction stress test (CST) and Oxytocin sensitivity test (OST)
- Grand multipara
- Contracted pelvis
- History of Caesarean section or Hysterectomy
- Malpresentation
- Obstructed labour
- Incoordinate uterine contraction
- Fetal distress
- Hypovolaemic state
- Cardiac disease
◾Dangers of oxytocin-
- Uterine hyperstimulation (overactivity)
- Uterine rupture
- Water intoxication
- Hypotension
- Antidiuresis
- Fetal distress, fetal hypoxia or even fetal death.
◾Routes of administration-
- Controlled intravenous infusion is widely used method
- Bolus IV or IM
- Intramuscular- Syntometrine
- Buccal tablets or nasal spray
Ergot Derivatives
◾ Preparations used- Ergometrine and Methergin.
Onset of action is comparatively slower while the duration of action is long.
- To stop Haemorrhage following delivery, abortion or expulsion of hydatidiform mole
- Prophylactic use in late second or in third stage, to hasten separation of Placenta and to minimise blood loss.
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rise in blood pressure, stroke
- Rarely gangrene of the toe
- Rh negative mother
- Severe pre- eclampsia and eclampsia
- Organic cardiac diseases
- Suspected pleural pregnancy
- Heart disease or severe hypertensive disorders
Prostaglandins (PGs)
Prostaglandins are the derivatives of prostanoic acid from which they derive their names.
◾Use in Obstetrics-
- Induction of abortion
- Termination of molar pregnancy
- Induction of labour
- Cervical ripening prior to induction of abortion or labour
- Augmentation of labour
- Management of atomic Postpartum Haemorrhage
- Medical management of tubal ectopic pregnancy
◾ Contraindications-
- Hypersensitivity to the compound
- Uterine scar
- Active cardiac, pulmonary, renal or hepatic disease, hypotension
- Bronchial asthma
- Dinoprostone
- Misoprostol
- Dinoprost tromethamine
Remarks about Oxytocics
All the Oxytocics have following functions-
- To arrest Haemorrhage following delivery or abortion (Ergot preparation are better)
- For induction of labour (Prostaglandins have got distinct advantage over Oxytocin)
- In Augmentation of labour (oxytocins)
- For Induction of abortion (Prostaglandins)