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Ratrichariya – The science of Night Habits and Ayurveda for Success

Benifits of Moon’s Ray :-
  • Nights with Moon / increasing moon :- Cool, causing Romantic feeling, Decreases pitt and heat from body.
  • Foggy night :- has less qualties then night with moon but difference is that it’s vaatkaff shamak
  • Nights with no moon / decreasing moon :- fear causing, increasing romantic feelings, causing confusion, Decreases pitt & kaff from body.
Dinner :-

Dinner should be done in the first phase of night/ starting of night (6-8 pm). Dinnet should be lighter then breakfast.

Methun if feeling about it :-

If their is feeling regarding methun then it should not stopped as stopping this may cause daibetics melengitis, increase in fat, stiffness in body. Methun should be kept secret and in a place where no one can see the place should have light music, with good fragnance, light blowing wind. Place should not be any religious place, teacher’s place, noisy. Time shouldn’t be noon or mid night. Days should be of full moon and no moon. The person shouldn’t be hungry or full, thrusty, child or old age , needs to go to washroom and similarly for girl shouldn’t have menstrual , without feeling for methun, badly dressed, pregnant, jealous, Diseased, in coma or relative and of teachers family. Methun according to months :-

  • Summers :- in day after 15-15 days spam period with bala stree is best*
  • Rainy season :- after thundering starts once in 15 days with prodha stree is best*
  • Vasant / early summers :- either day of night twice a weak with prodha stree is best*
  • Sharad/ pre winters :- in night twice a weak with bala stree is best*
  • Hemant/winters :- in night after using libdo pills with taruni stree is best*
  • Shishir :- in night when feeling for methun with taruni stree is best*

* best means :- increases age, weight,makes body strong, brings glow to body, Decreases wrinkles and longlivines.

After methun activities :-

One should take bath to clean the body, drink milk with sugar, food mixed with sugar, wind should be taken, non veg and animal products.

Sleep :-

Makes body grow, destroys laziness, makes body strong and healthy, brings excitement, increases hunger. And if a person doesn’t sleep and remains awake for night then it decreases kaff, makes body dry and best for poisioned person.

Drinking water after wakeup before sunrise :-

It has very surprising effect as a person who had practiced it regularly can win any disease and old age far from them alonger time and live life upto 100 years. Water should be drank 8 prasar as it’s tridoshshamak and the water should be kept outside in moon light a night before drinking. It cures diseases like swelling, nasal bleeding, diarehea, fever, trunk/gastric disorders, fat, less urination, raktpitt, ear,eye, neck and head diseases, backache and even plelural infusion.

Drinking water from nose :-

3 prasar water should be drank through nose in the morning before sunrise helps body protection from hair whitening, improves eyesight,wrinkles, black patches, and makes sound Good. It should not be practised by a person recently taken vaman and virechan shanshodha chikitsa, less digestive power, hiccups, kaff and vatt disorders.

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