Solid Waste (Refuse):-
Waste which is devoid of night soil is called Solid Waste.
- Garbage (food wastes)
- Rubbish (Paper, plastic, wood, metal, containers)
- Sewage residual (sludge, scum, suspended particles)
- Demolition products (bricks, cement, gravels, sand, pipes)
- Dead body of animals
- Manure and other discarded materials.
Management :- The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
Need of solid waste management:-
As improper solid disposal has following hazards, so to stop them we need Solid Waste Management System.
- Act as favourable condition for breeding places of mosquitoes, flies etc.
- Decomposing waste attracts rodents and vermin.
- Pathogens present in waste is conveyed to food/water by vectors like house fly etc.
- Water pollution
- Soil pollution
- Heaps of waste – unsightly appearance
- Bad odour
Process of mangagement:-

- Storage :- Dustbins are used for collection
- Galvanized dust bins
- Public bins :- made up of metal and put on concrete
- Collection and Transport
- House to house collection
- Refuse collection vehicle
- Dustless refuse collectors
- Disposal
Refuse Disposal :-
Insanitary methods | Sanitary methods |
Hog feeding | Composting |
Stacking | Sanitary landfill |
Salvaging | Incineration |
Dumping |
- Dumping :- It is done in low lying area, dry refuse are dumped here, leads to volume reduction and conversion to humus.
- Refuse is accessible to flies
- Produce abnoxious odour
- Water & soil pollution
- Unsighty appearance
- Sanitary land filling
- Trench method :- Pit constructed of (2-3 × 4-12) m, covered with mud, 1acre of land/ 10,000 population.
- Ramp method :- on slopping land, trench prepared and covered with soil.
- Area method :- natural depression, clay pit, each layer covered with 30 cm of mud
- 4-6 months are required for decomposition, temp. rises upto 60°C within 7 days, complete decomposition takes place (without order, flies but requires large land).
- Incineration (Burning):- used for Hospital waste, areas where land is not available.
- Composting :- Breakdown of organic matters in to humus like material by bacterial action.
- Bangalore (Anaerobic) method :- a trench of (5-8 × 15-30 × 3) feet is made. First layer about 15 cm at bottom then 5 cm soil, alternate layers are made similarly and top layer should be of 25 cm and heap is covered with soil
- Temp. rises upto 60°C in 7 days, heat persists for 2-3 weeks, convert night soil and refuse into 4-6 months
- Mechanical composting :- refuse is pulverised in pulverising equipment (reduction in size less than 2 inch), refuse is mixed with sewage, sludge, night soil, then incubated (4-6 weeks are required)
- Carbon- nitrogen action
- Temperature
- Moisture
- pH and aerations
- Vermi/cockroach compositing
- Black soldier fly larvae compositing
- Humanure
- Bokashi
- Bangalore (Anaerobic) method :- a trench of (5-8 × 15-30 × 3) feet is made. First layer about 15 cm at bottom then 5 cm soil, alternate layers are made similarly and top layer should be of 25 cm and heap is covered with soil
- Manure pits :- for rural population, garbarge is dumped and covered with earth at day end, it requires 5-6 months to convert into humus.
- Burial :- for cramps, 1.5×2m, each day is covered with 20-30cm mud at end of each day, time required is 5-6 months for converting refuse in to humus.
Terms used :-
- Refuse :- is a solid waste, material that can’t be reused.
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