Before starting Today’s topic that is Similarities between Purush (Human) and lok (Environment), we should understand the need why this principle was considered by Ayurvedic Acharya’s?? Why should we also consider it? The main reason to deplict and elaborate this topic from Ayurvedic texts is that a person after understanding the similarities, will not harm […]
Tag: According to Ayurveda

Definition of आर्तव :- “शशासृक्प्रतिमं यत्तु यद्वा लाक्षारसोपमम् । तदार्त्तवं प्रशंसन्ति यद् वासो न विरञजयेत् ।। ”( सु.स. शा 2/17) आर्तव वर्ण – शशक (खरगोश) के रक्त के समान या लाक्षा के समान रंग वाला। जिससे वस्त्र रंजित न हो, इस प्रकार का आर्तव प्रशस्त माना है अर्थात् शुद्ध माना जाता है। According to चरक […]