Eye, the organ of sight is almost spherical in shape with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. In order to understand the diseases and conditions occurring in one’s eye, one must know the Anatomy of eye. नेत्र शारीर:- विद्याद् द्व्यङ्गुलबाहुल्यं स्वाङ्गुष्ठोदरसम्मितम् ।द्व्यङ्गुलं सर्वतः सार्द्धं भिषङ्नयनबुदबुदम् । सुवृत्तं गोस्तनाकारं सर्वभूतगुणोद्भवम् ॥ (सु.उ. 1/10-11) नयनबुद्बुद (अक्षिगोलक को […]
Anatomy of Eye | नेत्र रचना शारीर : An overview
- Post author By rohitgera1999
- Post date July 13, 2022

- Tags Anatomy of Eye, Anatomy of Eye in Ayurveda, Anatomy of Eye in hindi, Anatomy of Eye shalakya Tantra, Anatomy of Eye vaidyanamah, Anatomy of eyes, Anatomy of human eye, Aqueous Humour, Arteries of eye, Chambers of eye, Choroid, Ciliary Body, Conjunctiva, Eye anatomy, Eyeball anatomy, Fovea centralis, Human eye anatomy, Inner coat of eyeball, Iris, Layers of eye, Lens of eye, Lymphatic drainage of eye, Lymphatic system of eye, Macula lutea, Mandala, Middle coat of eyeball, Modern anatomy of Eye, Muscles of eye, Netra dhamni, Netra drushti vichara, Netra k marma, Netra ki sira, Netra mandala, Netra patala, Netra peshi, Netra rachana shariram, Netra rachna sharira, Netra rachna shariram, Netra sandhi, Optic disc, Optic nerve, Outer coat of eyeball, Parts of eye, Patala, Rachna sharir, Sclera, Shalakya tantra, Tear film, Veins of eye, Viterous Humour, नेत्र के पांचभौतिक तत्त्व, नेत्र धमनी, नेत्र पटल, नेत्र पेशी, नेत्र मंडल, नेत्र मर्म, नेत्र रचना शारीर, नेत्र शारीर, नेत्र संधि, नेत्र सिरा, शालाक्य तंत्र नेत्र रचना शारीर