When we hear or see Lemon grass, it’s fruity smell or Health benefits such as weight loss, immunity booster and taste of tea often comes in our mind. But are these whole things right? What is the Ayurveda’s point on it! In this post i will make you aware regarding all this. Hope you will […]
Lemon grass : Benefits, Uses according to Ayurveda
- Post author By rohitgera1999
- Post date June 19, 2021

- Tags Ayurvedic point of view of lemon grass, Benefits of lemon grass, Bhutrina in English, Botanical name of lemon grass, Common names of lemon grass, Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon citratus common name, Cymbopogon citratus in hindi, How to make lemon grass tea, Lemon grass, Lemon grass according to Ayurveda, Lemon grass ayurvedic mentions, Lemon grass Benefits, Lemon grass botanical name, Lemon grass chemical Constituents, Lemon grass external morphology, Lemon grass family, Lemon grass habitat, Lemon grass in hindi, Lemon grass in Sanskrit, Lemon grass ki taseer, Lemon grass medicinal properties, Lemon grass oil, Lemon grass part used, Lemon grass ras panchak, Lemon grass tea, Lemon grass uses, Lemon grass vaidyanamah, Medicinal Properties of lemon grass, Photo of lemon grass, Sanskrit name of Lemon grass, Synonyms of lemon grass, vaidyanamah, भूतृण in English