ओष्ठगत रोग (Oshtagata Roga) दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है: ओष्ठ – lips और रोग – disease; i.e diseases of lips. Let’s study each of the Oshtagata Rogas in detail with their treatment. ओष्ठगत रोग की संख्या:- “तत्रौष्ठप्रकोपा वातपित्तश्लेष्मसन्निपात रक्तमांसमेदोऽभिघातनिमिताः॥” (सु.नि. 16/ 5) ओष्ठगत (Oshtagata) 8 रोग होते हैं। वातिक (Cracked lips) पैत्तिक (Aphthous ulcer/ […]
Oshtagata Roga | ओष्ठगत रोग : Diseases of lips – Treatment
- Post author By Bisht Samridhi
- Post date April 24, 2022

- Tags Abhighataja oshtagata Roga, Aphthous ulcer, Bilateral cleft lip, Carcinoma of lips, Chelitis, Cleft lip, Clinical features of lip disease, Complete cleft lip, Cracked lips, Cure of aphthous ulcer, Cyst on lip, Disease of lips, Diseases of lips vaidyanamah, Granuloma of lips, Hare lip, How to treat cleft lip, How to treat dry lips, Incomplete cleft lip, Jal arbud, Kaphaj oshtagata Roga, Lip disease treatment, Macrochelia, Mansaj oshtagata Roga, Medoja oshtagata Roga, Mucus retention cyst, Mucus retention cyst of lips, Number of oshtagata Rogas in Ayurveda, Oshtagata Roga, Oshtagata Rogas, Oshtagata Rogas causes, Oshtagata Rogas treatment, Oshtagata Rogas vaidyanamah, Pittaj oshtagata Roga, Prevention of lip cancer, Raktaj oshtagata Roga, Risk factors of cleft lip, Sannipataja oshtagata Roga, Surgery of cleft lip, Symptoms of lip disease, Traumatic lips, Tridoshasa oshtagata Roga, Types of cleft lip, Types of oshtagata Rogas, Types of oshtagata Rogas sushrut, Types of oshtagata Rogas vagbhat, Unilateral cleft lip, Vaataj oshtagata Roga, अभिघातज ओष्ठगत रोग, ओष्ठगत रोग, ओष्ठगत रोग vagbhat, ओष्ठगत रोग चिकित्सा, ओष्ठगत रोग संख्या, ओष्ठगत रोग सुश्रुत, कफज ओष्ठगत रोग, खंडौष्ठ, गण्डालजी, जलार्बुद, त्रिदोषज ओष्ठगत रोग, पित्तज ओष्ठगत रोग, मांसज ओष्ठगत रोग, मेदोज ओष्ठगत रोग, रक्तज ओष्ठगत रोग, वातज ओष्ठगत रोग, सन्निपातज ओष्ठगत रोग