निरुक्ति:- धातु स्निह् + घञ् प्रत्यय (suffix) = ‘स्नेह’ शब्द गुण:- गुरु शीत सर स्निग्ध मन्द सूक्ष्म मृदु द्रव (अ.सं. सू.25/4) स्नेह योनि:- स्थावर जङ्गम ( च. सू .13/9 -11) स्थावर स्नेह योनि= जो स्नेह पौधों तथा प्राकृतिक जमीन से मिले हों, जैसे – तिल चिरौंजी विभीतकी हरीतकी सरसों बिल्व मूली अलसी पिस्ता रक्त एरण्ड […]
Tag: Preparation
Definition :- ‘Haematinics’ means the formation of blood, and are used for treatment of Anemia. Anaemia occurs when the balance between production and destruction of RBCs is disturbed by: (a) Blood loss (acute or chronic) (b) Impaired red cell formation due to: Deficiency of essential factors, i.e. iron, vitamin B12, folic acid. (c) Increased destruction […]
Before beginning PANCHA VIDHA KASHAYA KALPANA, we must know what is: KASHAYA- According to ayurvedic texts, it simply means distortion{destruction} of the original form of Dravya and making it suitable for use as aahara and aushadha. According to the authentic Kashyapa Samhita, it is defined as :- कण्ठस्य कषणात् प्रायो रोगाणां वाSपि कषर्णात् । कषायशब्दः […]