Modern Pharmacology

Haematinics : An overview – Iron and their Drugs

Definition :- ‘Haematinics’ means the formation of blood, and are used for treatment of Anemia. Anaemia occurs when the balance between production and destruction of RBCs is disturbed by: (a) Blood loss (acute or chronic) (b) Impaired red cell formation due to: Deficiency of essential factors, i.e. iron, vitamin B12, folic acid. (c) Increased destruction […]

Kriya Sharir Modern Pharmacology

Maturation Factors : Vit B12 and Folic Acid

INTRODUCTION : Deficiency of Vit B12 and Folic acid (Maturation factors), which are B group vitamins, results in megaloblastic anaemia characterized by the presence of large red cell precursors in bone marrow and their large and shortlived progeny in peripheral blood. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are therefore called Maturation factors. The basic defect is […]