Each and every one knows that plants provide oxygen and its the benefit of planting them! But does planting trees have other benefits too? Even i don’t know. So, let’s find it out together.
In this article we will discuss the benefits of planting various holy trees which are as follows :-
- Tulsi
- Bilva
- Asvatha (Peepal)
- Dhatri
- Vata
- Neem
- Palasha
- Mango
- Udumbar (Gular)
- Madhuk (Mahua)
- Banana
- Grapes
- Pomegranate
- Jambu (Jamun)
Tulsi :-

Can we discuss it this topic without mentioning Tulsi? It’s impossible, so let’s see.
यावद्दिनानि तुलसी रोपितापि (यद्गृ) हे वसेत् ।
तावद्वर्षसहस्त्राणि वैकुण्ठे स महीयते ॥
The person who lives 1000 of years in Vishnu Loka ( Place of residence of Lord Vishnu) have Tulsi plant in their homes. (Garuda Purana, Mahatma padma, Vriksha Ayurveda).
Bilva :-
यस्तु संरोपयेद्विल्वं शङ्कर प्रीतिकारकम् । तत्कुलेऽपि सदा लक्ष्मी: संतिष्ठेत्पुत्रपौत्रिकी ॥
God shiva is always with the person who plants Bilva tree also goddess Lakshmi stably resides in his home. Also person’s family always grows.
Goddess Lakshmi and Bilva :-
- Rigveda & Vaman Purana mentions “Goddess Lakshmi was born from Bilva tree, that’s the reason she always resides there”.
- Bhavishya Purana says that during the fight of God and devil, Goddess Lakshmi resided in bilva tree for some time, that’s why bilva is also known as Shree Virksha (tree of Lakshmi)
- In Mahabharata Uttar parva bilva is said to be originated from holy cow dung that’s why Lakshmi resides their.
Ashvtha ( Peepal ):-
एकमेव हि योऽश्वत्थं रोपयेद्विधिना नरः। यत्र कुत्रापि वा स्थाने गच्छेत्स भवनं हरेः ॥
Person who plants peepal tree goes to Vishnu Loka after death.
In Shreemad Bhagwat Geeta, lord Krishna said that – ” His one form is peepal tree.”
Dhatri :-
तेनेष्टा वहवो यज्ञास्तेन दत्ता वसुन्धराः । स सदा ब्रह्मचारी स्याद्येन धात्री प्ररोपितः ॥
Blessings received by remaining virgin and donating land can be received by planting dhatri tree.
Vata :-
वटवृक्षद्वयं मर्त्यो रोपयेद्यो यथाविधि । शिवलोके गमेत्सोऽपि सेवितस्त्वप्सरोगणैः ॥
Person who plants 2 vata plants, after death resides with Lord shiva. And Angels serve him/her.
Neem :-
निम्ब त्रयं समारोप्य नरो धर्मविचक्षण सूर्यलोकं समासाद्य वमेदब्दायुत त्रयम् ॥
Person who plants 3 Neem trees, after death goes to Surya Loka and resides there for 3 Devta years.
Palasha :-

चतुर्णा प्लक्षवृक्षाणां रोपणानात्र संशयः ।राजसूयस्य यज्ञ स्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः ।।
Person who plants 4 palasha tree receives benefit of Rajsu yagya. If person plants 7 then resides in Bramha loka and lives together with God.
Mango :-
पञ्चामशाखिणाम् षण्णां यः कुर्यात्प्रतिरोपणं । गारुडं लोकमा साद्य मोदते देववत्सदा ॥
Person who plants 5 mango trees, resides together with the gods in Guruda loka.
Udumbar :-
उदुम्बरद्रुमानष्टौ रोपयेत्स्वयमेव यः ।प्रेरये द्रोपणायापि चन्द्रलोके स मोदते ॥
Person who plants 8 Udumbar plants, after death happily resides in Chandra loka.
Madhuk :-
पार्वती तोषिता तेन स भवेच्च निरामयः । पूजिता देवता सर्वा मधूको येन रोपितः ॥
Person who plants Madhuk plant satisfies goddess Parvati and doesn’t face any sadness, also earns respect of other gods.
Others :-
श्रीरिणी-दाडिपी-रम्भा-प्रियाल-पनसान्विलाश। तरुसंगष्य (नौ) दुःखी जायते समजन्मसु ।।
Person who plants Banana, grapes, kharini, pomegranate plant never visits hell.
अज्ञानाज्ञानतो वापि जंबूर्येन प्ररोपितः। गृहेपि स वसत्रित्यं यति धर्मेण पूज्यते ।।
A person who even by mistake plants jambu plant, always follows dharma.
Each and every one loves greenery and we all wish to visit hill stations. But we don’t prefer planting trees (mostly). Once people will get familiar with the benefits of planting trees, they will soon plant them mentioned in this article. Let me know in the comments about your point.
Have a look at Home Gardening according to Ayurveda.