Dravya Guna Syllabus

Bhav prakash nighantu(भावप्रकाश निघण्टु)

निघण्टु एक वैदिक शब्दकोष है।जिसमें वैदिक वाड्गंमय में आये गूढार्थ शब्दों के पर्यायों के द्वारा व्याख्या की गई है।

भाव प्रकाश निघण्टु

1-Written by भाव मिश्र in 16वीं शताब्दी।

2 It is 3rd book among लघुत्र्रीय।

3-It is the bridge between mid evil period & modern period.

4- In संहिता portion, he has given its importance to basic principles for संहिता portion,he had followed शार्ड्गधर संहिता।

5-रस ,गुण ,वीर्य ,विपाक &शक्ति -ये पदार्थ में
रहते हैंं।

6- This quotation is of शार््ड्ंंधर संहिता& भावप्रकाश copiedit .

7-He enlarged& expanded Ayurvedic science with progress of time.

8-भाव प्रकाश निघण्टु followed मदनपाल निघण्टु।

-9 One manuscript is in Germany.
●According to प्रियव्रत शर्मा, one manuscript is also in Jammu (Oriental library).
10-the author has written in its introduction that he has written this book for treatment of diseases.

11-During his time sages treated the diseases with the help of gems, jewellry & other unnatural method of practice.

12-His father’s name was लटकन मिश्र।

13-The names मिश्र,विप्र,भूमिदेव etc.are commonly belonging to ब्राहमण community.

14-Some scholars believed that he belonged to Banaras.

15-In one verse, it has mentioned that he was devoted of Vishnu.
The temple of vishnu is in Gaya .
It may be assumed that he may be belonging to Gaya or near around these places.

16- Some believes that he may belong to Kashi because the name लटकन, गुटकन etc. are popular in these regions even today.

17-He has written book known as” गुणरत्न माला”which has not been published . It is believed that this book is the basis for भावप्रकाश निघण्टु।

Date of भावप्रकाश निघण्टु:

MOstly followed मदन पाल निघण्टु & कैयदेव निघण्टु while describing रस, गुण वीर्य, विपाक, प्रभावof dravya it feels that.भावप्रकाश has followed शार्डंग्धर।

-भाव मिश्र included drugs like अहिफेन, भांग, पार्सिक,यवानी from मदनपाल निघण्टु।

-17th century books like योगरत्नाकर,योगतरंगिणी,लोलिम्बराज has given reference about bhavprakash.

-भावमिश्र only first time introduced फिरंग रोग in his व्रण चिकित्सा is also described.

-He has also mentioned tha use of रसकर्पूर and चोपचीनी in treatment of फिरंग।


●मदनपाल निघण्टु mentioned following drugs like पर्सिक यवानी,अहिफेन,जयपाल,खर्जूर, पिंड खर्जूर,सुलेमानी,अमृतफल।

●Bhav prakash use the word मलेछ/यवन which leads towards मोहमदन period.

●भाव मिश्र has included following drugs in his book like पार्सिक वचा, जिपांतर,वचा,अकरकरा,पुदीना,दारुसिता,मार्कण्डिका,सौवीर,चन्द्रसूर,आमर्गन्धि,हरिद्रा,आलुक,गाजर,चिन्चा,(इमली),मखन्न।

Special description of same drugs are:-

(1) पुुुष्करमूल as variety of कुष्ट्ठ

(2 )कपूर – पक्व व अपक्व

(3)कस्तूरी -कामरुपी ,नेपाली,कश्मीरी

4) कुुंकुम-कश्मीरी , वाल्हिक, पार्सिक

5) तगर- तगर और पििंिं तगर ।

6) He has mentioned अशमत्न्तक as synonym of कांचनार

7)fruit of चव्य,चिित्रक as fruit of गजपिििपलीी।

8)अष्टवर्ग first time.

भावप्रकाश has describedअष्टवर्ग with thier morphology annd habitat etc.

●He states that it was difficult to get these plants because it was not freely available.

● given substitute to be taken in place of ashtvarg.

◆He has explained5 types of स्वर्ण 3 types of रजत यशद धातु described in detail.

-Substitute drugs are explained in general.

He has followed शारंगधर while describing दीपन etc.

सुश्रुत –5 प्रकार की भूमि acc. To पंचमहाहाभूत

भावप्रकाश -4 type की भूमि

-●ब्राह्मण शवेत- -●क्षत्रिय (लाल)- ●- वैश्य( पिली)

● –क्षुद्र काली

These भूमि are helpful in identifying द्रव्य &its properties.

भावप्रकाश in detail:-

-◆in हरीतक्यादि वर्ग he has included fruits & tubers which are used in medicine.
-करपूूरादि वर्ग he has described कंद।

-◆in गुुुड़ु चयादि वर्ग he has described whose
पंचांग is used.

◆वटादि वर्ग:-he includedbbig trees in this group.

◆भावप्रकाश mentioned 426 द्रव्य in 22वर्ग।

1)हरीतक्यादि वर्ग

2)करपुुुरादि वर्ग

3) गुडुचयादि वर्ग

4) पुष्प वर्ग

5) वटादिवर्ग

6) आम्र्रादि वर्ग

7) धात्वादि वर्ग

8)धान्य वर्ग

9) शाक वर्ग

10) मांस वर्ग

11)कृतान्न वर्ग

12) वारि वर्ग

13)दुग्ध वर्ग

14)दही वर्ग

15) तग्र वर्ग

16) नवनीत वर्ग

17)मूत्र वर्ग

18)तैल वर्ग

19)संधान वर्ग

20) मधु वर्ग

21)घृत वर्ग

22) इक्षु वर्ग

Commentaries on Bhav Prakash:-

●No Sanskrit commentary available.

● It is translated into many local languages.

●no. of commentaries are written in hindi & are freely available for Ex: शिवप्रकाशिका written by Pt. शिव शर्मा।

●Printed & published by Shri Venkateshwar press mumbai.

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