Ever wondered what’s the use of Christmas tree? Or why do we decorate it? Why this ritual was made by our ancestors ? As you all are reading this post, the similar questions ⁉️ or one of them must have triggered your mind like mine had. So, today in this post, i will let you know about the benefits and uses of the Christmas tree according to Ayurveda. Hope you will love the post and share among your friends and also let us know your views in comment section below. So let’s begin!
Does Christmas trees have medicinal value??
अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति, नास्ति मूल मनौषधम्।
अयोग्य: पुरुषो नास्ति, योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभ:।।
There isn’t any letter that’s not a prayer, there isn’t any plant that doesn’t have medicinal benefits, there isn’t any man who is not capable, the reason they aren’t in use is that we haven’t found their way to use.
Even there is a story in Ayurveda regarding the same. When Nagarjuna completed his studies, he was asked to take a round of the Takshila Campus and to find out something which is not of medicinal use. The Nagarjuna returned and said “I could not find anything that can’t be used as a medicine“.
This made me wonder more about the things that ancient people must have found like the uses or benefits of Christmas tree?? That’s why they made it a ritual? Now You might be wondering that “Do rituals have a scientific reason behind them? What are you saying i can’t believe it?” So let’s see it.
Planting Christmas trees have scientific reason ??
प्रज्ञावीर्यस्वरकरमैश्वर्यं धारणाद्भवेत्। (आ. क. क्रि. वि. 2/48) (अथर्ववेद 1/13/2-4)
In Atharva Veda, it’s a saying that wearing gold has many benefits like it increases our living, power and wealth.
But why do girls wear gold? Because according to Ayurveda girl’s bones are weaker and lack calcium content and gold helps in making the bones stronger. Similarly others like;
रक्षाभूषणनिमित्तं बालस्य कण्णों विध्येते ।(सु.सू.16/3)
A child’s / women’s ears are pierced for saving them from disorders. Similarly wearing ornaments do the same.
We will be doing a individual post regarding these rituals with their modern and scientific analysis like why tulsi is planted at home? Why pipal plant is so important in rituals? For these answers, you need to wait for the post.
So for the answer regarding why Christmas tree ritual was created, you need to read post till end.
Is their an Ayurvedic mention??
We Indians adopt each and every thing with fully whole heartedness. Like during Mughal Period, we adopted their culture and various practices of Unani treatment like Arka, Works etc. etc. even these are still in practice. Similarly during Britishers rule we adopted their culture which are still in use. Today, we are still practicing that culture of planting Christmas trees but aren’t aware of its medical properties. So before decoding the medicinal values let’s see what exactly is Christmas tree.
Types of Christmas trees :-
You might be wondering is the author crazy? There is just one type of Christmas tree but you might be amazed to know that there are more than 20 types found on earth according to their location and country. Even India has a type.

Name | Common Name | Country |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Douglas fir | North America |
Abies balsamea | Balsam Fir | North America |
Abies fraseri | Fraser Fir | Europe |
Abies grandis | Grand Fir | North America |
Abies guatemalensis | Guatemalan Fir | Central America |
Abies procera | Noble Fir | Europe |
Abies nordmanniana | Nordmann Fir | Europe |
Abies magnifica | Red Fir | North America |
Abies alba | European silver Fir | Europe |
Abies concolor | White Fir | North America |
Pinus edulis | Pinyon Pine | North America |
Pinus jeffreyi | Jeffrey Pine | North America |
Araucaria columnaris | Most commonly used | |
Dichrostachys cinerea | Common in India | Kalahari Christmas tree |
Mimosa cinera | Christmas tree Indian |

External Morphology:-
Its a pricky shrub or tree. Contains thorns and sore. Leaves– 3-12 pairs, sides, leaflets- 5 – 8 inches. Flowers– beautiful, ventral folds, the upper pink color is slightly yellow. Pods are twisted, 3-4 inches long, in clusters that have 7-10 seeds.
Flowers blossom in the rainy season and after that fruits ripens but it’s rarely seen.

Habitat :-
In dry mountains and forest. In India south, east and middle.
At Homes :-
As an indoor plant or low maintenance plant.
Medical properties according to Ayurveda :-
Bitter taste, Bitter in digestion, Light, Dry, Hot, Vata-Kafa destroyer, eatable
Therapeutic Uses :-
- Diuretic,
- Helps to destroy gall bladder and kidney stones,
- Helps in management of joint pain,
- Stops diarrhoea,
- Increases appetite,
- Increases digestive power,
- Cures excessive thirst,
- Cures inflammation when applied,
- Helps to treat kidney, urine, eye, uterine disorders.
- When applied (local application) it removes pain.
- Can be taken by diabetic patients
- Help to cure filariasis
- Helps in management of arthritis
Dosage :-
50-100 ml at a time in form of kwatha (Decoction).
Part used :-
- Leaves for local application
- Bark and leaves for intake
Formulations available in market :-
- Veertarvadi kwatha
Classical Mentions in Ayurveda:
वेल्लन्तरुः कटूष्णश्च कृच्छ्घ्नः सन्धिशूलनुत् । वह्निदीप्तिकर: पथ्यो वातामयविनाशन: ॥ ( Raj nighantu )
Veertaru (Christmas tree) is Katu (bitter) in taste, ushana (hot), MutraKricha nashaka (diuretic), sandhi shool (helps to treat joint pain), pathya (eatable), Agni deepak (increases appetite), destroys Vata Rog.
वेल्लन्तरोऽश्मनुद् ग्राही कफकृच्छ्रानिलार्तिजित्।। ( म. नि.)
Vellantra (Christmas tree) is ashmari har (destroys stones), grahi (stops loose motions or diarrhoea), Vata and Kafa har, mutrakricha har (diuretic).
वेल्लन्तरो रसे पाके तिक्तस्तृष्णाकफापहः । मूत्राघाताश्मजिद्ग्राही योनिमूत्रानिलर्तिजित।। (कै.नि.भा.प्र.)
It’s katu (Bitter) when digested, laghu (light), Ruksha (dry), Tikta-katu (bitter) taste, diuretic, excessive thirst, inflammation, uterine, eye, kidney disorders, diarrhoea.
- It also have mentions in Sushrut Samhita– Veertarvadi gana, Vatasanshaman gana.
- Acharya Dalhana mentioned it in Uttar tantra 9/27.
- Astanga Hridya has mentioned it in Veertarvadi gana.
So here it’s proved that Christmas tree has medicinal properties.
History of Christmas tree at homes :-
Germany is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition. As we now know it in the 16th century when devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. Then they brought it to America in the 1800s.

- It was believed that evergreens would keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and illness.
- Evergreen boughs reminded them of all the green plants that would grow again when the sun god was strong and summer would return.
- For sun and agricultural God is praised for Christmas according to flok tales.