Author Special Swasthavrit

Milkshake – Which is the best according to Ayurveda?

As in today’s world we drink Milkshake more than milk. People think it has more nutrients and protein content. Even a person who is thin, he or she is advised to drink banana shake but is this actually beneficial? Which all shakes are better? So in this article we will decode it together. So let’s begin first with the Ingredients of milkshake.

Ingredients of Milkshake:-

  • Milk
  • Fruit content
  • Sugar
  • Ice cream
  • Dry fruits
  • Ice

Some people might mix some or the other thing in their shake but here we took the most common ones.

After knowing ingredients we should know the properties of each ingredient to find out which one is better. So let’s begin with Properties of each.

Properties of ingredients:-

Milk –

Milk [common] Sweetoily (Snighada)coolSweetvaat – Pitta nashak
Cow milkSweetoily (snighada)CoolSweetVaat – pitta Nashak
Buffalo milkSweetoily and heavier than cow milkCoolSweetkaffa karak
Tonned milklight to digesttridosha nashak
Boiled and cooled milkkafa nashak
without boiledLight in digestionCooltridosha nashak

Fruit –

Unriped Mangobitter, acidicdrytridosh karak
Riped mangoSweetheavy and oily CoolTridosh nashaka
Unriped bananaSweet, bitterCoolPitta nashak
Riped banana bitter sweetvery heavyCoolrakta pitta nashak
DatesBitterPitta nashka
Riped Datesbitter, sweetPitta nashak
Chiku Sweetheavy And oilyPittahar

Dry fruits –

Dry fruitsRasaGunaVeeryaDosha
WalnutMadhurOilySheetkapha karak
AlmondMadhurOily and heavyHotKapha karak

Sugar –

  • White Sugar = very sweet in taste, very cool, vata – pitta shamak
  • Misri = light, cool, vata pitta nashak
  • Khaand = dry, heavy, bitter cool, pitta nashak

Ice cream –

  • Cool, Sweet, light and rest depends on the ingredients used.

As now we know the properties of each ingredients. Then, how can we figure out which is milkshake is the best and which is not?? What is the criteria for the same? For the criteria one should know about the concept of Virodhik aahar (Virudh aahar). In Ayurveda 18 types of Virodhik aahar is mentioned, which let us know which combination of food is good and which isn’t.

Virodhik Aahar:-

Virodhik aahar is a wide concept. Refer the individual article for that. Click here. But here we will let you know some which we need for criteria :-

  • Kaal Virudh (time)
  • Dosha Virudh
  • Veerya Virudh (hot and cool)
  • Sanyog virudha (Cannot be combined)
  • Matra Virudh (Dosage)
  • Sanskar Virudh (preparation)

If we consume virodhik aahar in a long run then, there are changes at the Cellular level of body like inflammation, change in size of cells and metabolism changes and lasty drastic changes takes place.

क्षीरं न भुञ्जीत’ कदाऽप्यतप्तं तप्तं न चैतल्लवणेन सार्द्धम्।पिष्टान्नसन्धानकमाषमुद्गकोशातकीकन्दफलादिकैश्च।

Milk when taken with fruits, salt, urad dal etc, it is dosha karak (not good for body).

Finding the best Milkshake:-

Here we have compared the properties of milk ( common for all types ) with the properties of different riped fruits. All these properties are based on Bhavparkash Nighantu and raj Nighantu.

Properties of Milk –>
/ Type of Milkshake
MadhurHeavy*OilyCoolVaat pitta nashakResult
Mango milkshake
Mango milkshake

Another reason Mango shake is best :-

सहकारफलं चैव गोस्तनी माक्षिकं घृतम् । नवनीतं शृङ्गबेरं पिप्पलीं मरिचानि च ।।सिता पृथुकसिन्धूत्यं पटोलं नागराभयाः । क्षीरेण सह शस्यन्ते वर्गेषु मधुरादिषु ॥

Mango, Munakka, Honey, Ghee, Sugar, Madhur vargha, triphala, trikatu are friends of milk so beneficial when taken together.

More reasons to avoid Banana shake:-

वांशं करीरं बदरं कदलीं चाम्लदाडिमम् । फलमीदग्विधं चान्यत्तद्वद्विल्क्फलान्यपि । क्षीरे विरुद्धान्यैकध्यं सह वै भुज्यते यदि बाधिर्यमान्ध्यं वैवर्ण्यं मूकत्वं चाथ मारणम् ।।

Banana, bamboo & Kareer fruit, badir ( ber), sour pomegranate, Bilva fruit with milk are enemies for each other. Hence, should be avoided. Taking them together on regular basis can cause lack of hearing, vision, change in skin colour or lack of speaking power and even death as these are virudha to each other.


  • Banana shake being very heavy to digest also makes appetite lower which makes it not a good one for drinking.
  • Mango shake having properties similar to milk increases all properties and it leads to be good for health.
  • Similarly we have given ratings in the above table, hope you like it. And think for a while, before you drink a Milkshake next time

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