Modern Pharmacology

Haematinics : An overview – Iron and their Drugs

Definition :- ‘Haematinics’ means the formation of blood, and are used for treatment of Anemia. Anaemia occurs when the balance between production and destruction of RBCs is disturbed by: (a) Blood loss (acute or chronic) (b) Impaired red cell formation due to: Deficiency of essential factors, i.e. iron, vitamin B12, folic acid. (c) Increased destruction […]


Commonly used Medical Tests and their Normal Values

AFTER READING MEDICAL TEST AND VALUE, READ MUTRA PARIKSHA. CBC (Complete Blood Test) :- Field Defination Normal Value Hb (Hemoglobin) Protein present inside blood which holds oxygen and carbon dioxide Men: 14- 17 gm/dl Women: 12-15 gm/dl TLC (Total Leukocyte Count) Cells of Immune system helps us protect from infection 4000-11000 cells/mcL RBC (Red Blood […]