Charak Samhita Kaya Chikitsa Shalakya Tantra

Raktaja Shiroroga | रक्तज शिरोरोग : Modern correlation

रक्तात्मकः पित्तसमान लिंग: स्पर्शासहत्वं शिरसो भवेञ्च ।।(सु.उ. 25/8) रक्तज शिरोरोग (Raktaja Shiroroga) में पित्तज शिरोरोग से समान लक्षण होते हैं, परन्तु स्पर्शासहत्वं लक्षण (अर्थात् सिर के स्पर्श का सहन न होना) होता है। यह भेद आचार्य चरक को छोड़ कर, सभी आचार्यों ने माना है। निदान/Etiology:- कट्वम्ललवणक्षारमद्यक्रोधातपानलैः ।पित्तं शिरसि संदुष्टं शिरोरोगाय कल्पते ।। (च.सू.17/22) कटु, […]

Charak Samhita Kaya Chikitsa Shalakya Tantra

Krimija Shiroroga | कृमिज शिरोरोग : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

जिस शिरोरोग में सुई चुभने के समान अत्यधिक पीड़ा हो तथा ऐसा प्रतीत हो कि सिर का भीतरी भाग कृमियों के द्वारा खाया जा रहा है, उसे क्रिमिज शिरोरोग (Krimija Shiroroga) कहते हैं। यह दारुण रोग है। निदान/Etiology:- तिलक्षीरगुडाजीर्णपूति संकीर्ण भोजनात् ।क्लेदोऽश्रृक्कफमांसानां दोषलस्योपजायते ।। ततः शिरसि संक्लेदात् क्रिमयः पापकर्मणः । जनयन्ति शिरोरोगं जाता वीमत्सलक्षणम् ।। […]

Kumar Bhritya Rog Nidan Swasthavrit

Immunity & Ayurveda | व्याधिक्षमत्व : The Key to a Healthy Life

व्याधिक्षमत्व or Immunity दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है। ‘व्याधि‘ = विविधं दुःखमादधातीति व्याधि:।। (च० चि० 1/5); अर्थात् आयुर्वेद में दुख का नाम ही व्याधि है। ‘क्षमत्व’ का अर्थ होता है = बनाना, गुस्सा रोकना, चुप रहना, या लड़ना (अमरकोष) व्याधिक्षमत्व को सर्वप्रथम चक्रपाणि ने बताया है। व्याधिक्षमत्वं व्याधिबल विशेधित्वं व्याध्युत्पाद प्रतिवन्धकत्वमिति यावत् ।। (च० […]

Stree evam Prastuti Tantra

Hyperemesis Gravidarum – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (also known as HG) is a severe type of vomiting of pregnancy which has got deleterious effect on the health of mother and/or incapacitates her in day-to-day activities. Triad of adverse effects: > 5% loss of pre- pregnancy weight Dehydration Electrolyte imbalance Incidence: There has been a marked fall in the incidence during […]

Agad Tantra Charak Samhita

Gara Visha | गर विष : Relation with Food Poisoning

” गर विष/ Gara Visha ” दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है। ‘गर‘- अर्थात् निगलना; ‘विष‘- अर्थात् छा जाना था व्यापत होना । → अर्थात् वह विष जो आसानी से निगला जा सके और शीघ्रता से रसादि धातुओं में फैल जाए, उसे गर विष कहते हैं। • ‘गर‘ शब्द का दूसरा अर्थ है- एक ऐसा […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

All about Curd (दही) according to Ayurveda

From kids to oldies all love curd and have it atleast once a day, sometimes at night also. But what does Ayurveda say about it? Can we eat it daily? Can we eat it at Night? Is it a Virodhik Aahar? Should we eat fresh curd? And many more questions. They all will be answered […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

Milkshake – Which is the best according to Ayurveda?

As in today’s world we drink Milkshake more than milk. People think it has more nutrients and protein content. Even a person who is thin, he or she is advised to drink banana shake but is this actually beneficial? Which all shakes are better? So in this article we will decode it together. So let’s […]

Author Special Dravya Guna Plants

Home Gardening according to Ayurveda

Home Gardening can be hobby for some. And life for the others. Trees maybe besties for some whereas a source of income to the others. Every one in daily life uses some or the other plant products. We often think of planting trees at home or in schools specially during Environmental days. But what if […]

Dravya Guna Plants

Marigold/ Genda phool : Benefits, Medicinal uses, Dose

Marigold or Tagetes also commonly known as Genda phool is used in every religious function for offering to god. Does it also have any medicinal value? I was wondering the same! As i remember :- अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति, नास्ति मूल मनौषधम्।अयोग्य: पुरुषो नास्ति, योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभ:।। There isn’t any letter that’s not a prayer, there isn’t any […]

Author Special Swasthavrit

Honey and Warm water good or bad ? Ayurvedic Facts

Hi, today we are back with another article on things we see or hear about Ayurveda in Daily life. So, you might have heard about Honey and it’s effects on immunity and weight loss, when mixed with warm water. Many advertisements are shown in social media regarding it. Now the question is, Has Ayurveda said […]